GA-Amendment proposals

Voor Nederlands, ga naar AAV-Wijzigingsvoorstellen.

By submitting an amendment, you can change things to our departmental regulations (in Dutch) of our department. This document is filled with rules and agreements that the board and the department must uphold. If you want to change, remove, or add something to this list of regulations then you can submit an amendment proposal. If you get enough votes at the General Assembly,  our departmental regulations will be changed, and your goal is achieved!

So, pose your amendments for the Summer-GA here.

Het wijzigingsvoorstel is op: / The amendmentproposal is on:(Vereist)
De naam van jouw voorstel. / The name of your proposal.
Voornaam & achternaam / First name & surname.
Wil je jouw voorstel op de AAV verdedigen? / Do you want to actively defend your proposal at the DP?(Vereist)
Dit gaat erover of je vóór dat er vragen worden gesteld nog extra toelichting wil geven. Je verdedigen van vragen mag uiteraard altijd. / This is about if you want to give extra clarification before the questions are asked. Defending yourself from questions is of course always allowed.
Welk hoofdstuk, pagina, punt etc. / What chapter, page, point etc.
Voorstel tot: / Proposal to:(Vereist)
Privacyvoorwaarden / Privacyconditions(Vereist)