Get involved

Voor Nederlands, ga naar Word actief.

Do you want to become active in DWARS Noord-Holland – Flevoland, but not sure how? You’ll find the answers here! You can commit yourself to the chapter in various ways!


Firstly, you can join an activity; You can find our upcoming activities on our Instagram, and Twitterpagina’s amd the agenda.

All these events are open to all, even if you are not (yet) a member!


Secondly, you can join one of the committees. At the moment we have the Diversity Committee (DivCo), the Actions & Campaigns Committee (AcCie), the Culture Committee (CuCo), the Local Politics Committee and the International Committee (Intercom). Interested and want to join one (or more) committees? Info about each committee and contact details can be found here.

Mailing List, Newsletter and WhatsApp Group

Last but not least, there are several ways to keep up to date with what’s going on in DWARS Noord-Holland – Flevoland. In addition Instagram, Twitter and the website, you can sign up for the newsletter and for the notulenspin. You will then receive the minutes of the boardmeetings (which you’re also allowed to join!). We also have two Whatsapp-groups.