For Dutch, go to Zomer-AAV!
On Thursday June 20th the DWARS Noord-Holland – Flevoland Winter-GA (General Assembly) will take place once again. At this GA we will elect a new board, the members of the audit- and searchcommittees and the chairs for the 5 other committees. Below you can find the listings for the board and the committees. In those listings you will find more information about the functions, and how to apply. You can apply to the Searchcommittee until Monday June 17th. You can also apply during the GA itself. Other important dates for applying will also be available through that link.
We will also discuss various motions and amendment proposals for the department and its documents.
Besides that, we will discuss the state of the department, and the departing board will give their accounts. You can submit questions to the board beforehand, but of course you can also ask questions during the GA.
- Via this link you can register for the summer-GA.
- Via this link you can find the vacancies.
- Via this link you can submit amendments.
- Via this link you can submit motions.
- Via this link you can submit questions for the board.
- Via this link you can find the documenten.
Even if you are still quite new to DWARS or DWARS Noord-Holland – Flevoland, you are invited to come. You can register for our newsletter and the group chats via our website to stay up to date on all of our activities.