New members / New members
On this page you'll find everything about what you can do at DWARS! We will tell you about what we organise for new members, but also what else you can do at DWARS. So be sure to read the whole page. Not yet a member? Then sign up here.
Are you a new member?
We want to make sure you feel at home at DWARS as soon as possible! That's why we have two things we always organise for new members and sometimes other events or training programmes. For that, keep an eye out for our newsletter or social media.
New members' evening
Are you a new member? Or have been for some time, but not so sure how to become active? Then come to the new member night! Here you will get information about what you can do at DWARS and have the chance to meet other new members. Keep an eye on the calendar for new members' evenings.
What all can you do at DWARS?
At DWARS, there are many opportunities to develop yourself. You can join a committee to work on political issues and develop organisationally. There are also opportunities to become active in your neighbourhood. Below is an overview of what is possible.
DWARS has several content committees, which meet every two to three weeks. At the meetings, substantive discussions are held, but opinion pieces are also written or activities organised. Committees deal with all kinds of topics; so there is always a committee that suits you!
Check out the overview of our content committees.
DWARS has several organisational committees. They all do different things for the association. Unlike our substantive committees, the main focus is on organising events, trainings or actions.
Member magazine OverDWARS is always looking for people who enjoy writing, photography, graphics or come up with other ideas.
See what you can do at OverDWARS here.
Working groups
DWARS also has working groups. The working groups decide entirely what they do, so they vary quite a lot. You can also set up a working group yourself!
See the overview of the working groups.
There are regular vacancies for positions at DWARS. For most positions, you don't need to have much experience yet. We especially like it if you are enthusiastic and then we can teach you the qualities needed for the position.
Check out the vacancies at DWARS Utrecht here.
Safe atmosphere
At DWARS, we believe it is important for everyone to feel welcome and safe. Therefore, we have established a code of conduct, which applies to all of DWARS's activities and app groups. You can read these by clicking here.
Staying up-to-date
Social media
Follow us on social media to stay extra well informed.
Our twitter: @DWARSUtrecht
Our instagram: @dwarsutrecht
On this page you will find everything you can do at DWARS! We tell you something about what we organise for new members, but also what else you can do at DWARS. So be sure to read the whole page. Not a member yet? Sign up here.
Are you a new member?
We want to make sure you feel at home with DWARS as soon as possible! That is why we always have two things we organise for new members and sometimes other events or training courses. Keep an eye on our newsletter or social media for these.
New members evening
Are you a new member? Or have been for some time, but don't know how to get active? Then come to the new members evening! Here you will get information about what you can do at DWARS and have the chance to meet other new members. Keep an eye on the agenda for new member evenings.
What can you do at DWARS?
At DWARS there are many possibilities to develop yourself. You can join a committee to work on political issues and you can develop your organisational skills. There are also possibilities to become active in your neighbourhood. Below you will find an overview of what is possible.
DWARS has nine substantive committees that meet every two to three weeks. At the meetings substantive discussions are held, but they also write opinion pieces or organise activities. Committees deal with all kinds of themes, so there is always a committee that suits you!
Take a look at the overview of our committees.
DWARS has 8 organisational committees. They all do different things for the association. In contrast to our substantive committees, the emphasis is mostly on organising events, training sessions or actions.
The OverDWARS magazine is always looking for people who like to write, take photos, make graphics or have other ideas.
See what you can do at OverDWARS here.
Working groups
DWARS also has four working groups. The working groups decide for themselves what they do, so they are quite different. You can also start your own working group!
See the overview of the working groups.
There are regularly vacancies for functions within DWARS. For most positions you do not need to have much experience. We especially like it when you are enthusiastic, then we can teach you the qualities needed for the position.
Take a look at the vacancies from DWARS Utrecht.
Safe atmosphere
At DWARS we think it is important that everyone feels welcome and safe. That is why we have drawn up a code of conduct that applies to all DWARS activities and app groups. You can read it by clicking here.
Keep up to date
Social media
Follow us on the social media to stay up to date.
Our twitter: @DWARSUtrecht
Our instagram: @dwarsutrecht
The different committees each have their own mailing list. When you want to join a committee, for example, you have been there a few times and you are planning to be there more often in the near future, you will be put on the mailing list of this committee. This is where memos are sent about, new meeting dates and things to do with activities organised by the committee.