Our Local Branch

What is DWARS Gelderland?
DWARS Gelderland is the local branch of DWARS, the youth organization of GroenLinks. In 2019, we were formed from a merger of DWARS Arnhem-Nijmegen and DWARS Wageningen. Our enthusiastic board is dedicated to the daily operations and activities of the local branch.

Our Politics
We stand for a green, social, and inclusive Gelderland. Our goal is to introduce people to politics in a friendly and accessible way. Additionally, we engage in Gelderland politics, ensuring the voices of young people are heard throughout the province through contact with GroenLinks, media statements, and actions.

We complement this with fun and interesting activities. The monthly member evening (Links Drinks) is the perfect time to catch up with other DWARS members from Gelderland. During political theme evenings, we invite political guests to talk about their work in the municipality, province, or a local organization. And there is so much more, so check the agenda!

Our Collaborations
DWARS Gelderland collaborates with the boards and factions of GroenLinks throughout the province. We are active in cities such as Arnhem, Nijmegen, Wageningen, Apeldoorn, Zutphen, and Doetinchem. We also work with the provincial board and the GroenLinks faction in the Provincial Council. Furthermore, we closely collaborate with DWARS and GroenLinks at the national level.

We also look outside of our bubble. Together with other political youth organizations, we organize interesting and enjoyable activities to meet people with different perspectives.

Want to Know More?
Would you like to stay informed about everything we do? Sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss any of our activities! You can also join one or more of our WhatsApp groups here.