
For Dutch, go to AAV Motions.

A motion is a mission that the board is obligated to try to execute. If you for example think the board should focus more on a specific political issue or that they could do more to make our organisation more inclusive, then you can address this in a motion. If the general assembly (GA) votes for your motion, the board has until the next GA to execute your motion and they must justify themselves if they are unable to do so.

So, pose your motions for the summer GA here.

The name of your motion. / The name of your motion.
First name & surname / First name & surname.
Do you want to defend your motion at the AAV? / Do you want to actively defend your motion at the DP?(Required)
This is about whether you want to give additional explanations before questions are asked. Of course, you can always defend your questions. / This is about if you want to give extra clarification before the questions are asked. Defending yourself from questions is of course always allowed.
How the situation is now. / How the situation is now.
The reason for the motion. / The reason for the motion.
Who has to do something. / Who has to do something.
What someone has to do. What someone has to do.
Privacy conditions(Required)