
For Dutch, go to Commissies.

Culture Committee (CuCo)

Chair: vacant

The Culture Committee (CuCo) is the committee for culture lovers within the Noord-Holland – Flevoland chapter. Whether you like books, movies, music or art, the CuCo is the place where you can let loose your heart. The CuCo organizes activities related to culture: think of concerts or movie nights. Furthermore, the CuCo is the place within the department where members can talk about art and literature.

Are you enticed or do you want to know more? Then send an email to!

Diversity Committee (DivCo)

Chair: Jonathan Krewinkel

DWARS Noord-Holland – Flevoland has its own committee on the subject of diversity. Think of diversity in regards to gender, sexual preference,  level of education and ethnicity. The purpose of the committee is twofold. On the one hand, we deal with topics related to diversity, inclusion and emancipation and we organize cool events over them. On the other hand, we try to make diversity within DWARS a subject of discussion and to work towards a more diverse organisation.

Do you find diversity an interesting topic? And are you keen on contributing? Then join the committee! Send an email to

Local Politics Committee

Chair: vacant

The text below was written when the committee was still called PACT (Politically Active Committee Team).

We stand completely behind GroenLinks, because they are, well, Green. And Left. But what occupies GroenLinks Amsterdam every day? PACT wants to put a human face to GroenLinks Amsterdam. What is going on in the Amsterdam City Council? What does that mean for us young people and our city? How can we best support the ideals of GroenLinks Amsterdam as a youth movement? PACT wants to make this content accessible by means of articles and research and thus involve young people more with the interests of GroenLinks Amsterdam. With the upcoming general election, we will furthermore give a substantive boost to the campaign, together with the Actions & Campaigns Committee!

Are you interested in national and local politics? Would you like to write articles and studies to educate others about this? Send an email to!

International Committee (Intercom)

Chair: vacant

The International Committee (Intercom) is the newest committee of DWARS Noord-Holland – Flevoland since September 2020. In an era of globalization, it is more important than ever that we focus on international solidarity with other young people with similar political views. Major international issues such as refugees and the migration system, the deterioration of the rule of law within EU Member States and solidarity within the EU are all issues that also matter to every youth. We are engaged in starting and building partnerships with other regional political youth organisations in Europe, as well as organizing panel discussions and other events on such issues.

Do you have a passion for international issues or do you enjoy working together on a diverse committee with other diverse political youth organisations across Europe? Send an email to!