GA Vacancies
For Dutch, go to AAV Vacancies.
At DWARS Noord-Holland - Flevoland we're constantly looking for enthusiastic member who want to get (even more) involved with DWARS. Holding a position is an ideal way to gain new experiences and expertise and to broaden your (political) horizon and capabilities. DWARS Noord-Holland - Flevoland is first and foremost a place to learn, so it is explicitly not necessary to have any prior experience. Your enthusiasm and will to learn is more than enough!
At the upcoming DP certain positions will be open once again, click on the links for more information!
- Board members: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Board member Politics, Board member Promotion & Membership, Board member International, General board members
- Committee chairs: Local Politics Committee, Action Committee, Culture Committee, Diversity Committee, International Committee
Any questions? Contact our Search committee (Search Committee).