DWARS Groningen is the branch of DWARS in (you guessed it) Groningen. DWARS is the independent political youth organisation of GroenLinks. We organise an activity in Groningen almost every week, usually at the premises at Coehoornsingel 87. Would you like to come along? Check out the agenda whether there is something nice among them, or send an e-mail to secretaris.groningen@dwars.org.

DWARS Groningen has a board of five people. They organise most of the activities and arrange everything that needs to be done at a department. About the board you can here read more.

The national organisation also organises regular activities. You can here find. These activities are often in Utrecht, but you can claim the cost of your trip to Utrecht. Then you will get a refund. For more information on this, see on this page at the bottom.