How can a municipality best address the housing shortage? How do we ensure that green energy generation is well regulated throughout the province? And how can we improve youth participation?
Do you like dealing with these kinds of issues? Then you are more than welcome to join the political committee of DWARS Gelderland! In this committee we deal with these kinds of political issues, with plenty of room for discussion. By getting to grips with a topic, we can come up with a good point of view, which we can then translate into, for example, a newspaper opinion piece or advice to GroenLinks in municipal councils. So if you like a little discussion but want to delve just a little deeper into certain topics, the PolCo is the place for you
Apart from that, the political committee also values conviviality! If there is time, a drink after a meeting could be in order, after all, what is politics if it is not a process of communication. As with any committee, everyone should feel comfortable and welcome, so respect for each other and each other's opinions is also very important.
Totally excited for the PolCo? Then send an email to and hopefully we will see each other soon!