Youth care theme night

On 8 November, GroenLinks Breda and DWARS Brabant-Zeeland are organising a theme evening around the theme of Youth Care. We have some great speakers, with discussion leader Lisa Maas, Department Chair GroenLinks Breda and Youth Professional at the CJG.

During this evening, we will discuss the state of youth care with our local youth care spokespersons, among others.
Lisa will take us into the world of Youth Care with her experience and expertise. She will share insights and discuss the challenges and opportunities she faces in the youth care sector. Hope to see you there!💚❤️

Sign up at formulier⬇️

  • Location: Breda, Bühne, St. Janstraat 11
  • Department: DWARS Brabant
  • Time: 08 November 2023 20:00