Anieke Kranenburg elected as Water Board member
28 March 2019Anieke Kranenburg has been officially elected as Water Board member for Waternatural Vechtstromen at Waterschap Vechtstromen with 88426 votes
As DWARS Overijssel, we congratulate Anieke and all new Water Board members on their upcoming term.
Response from Anieke:
"It's great that I get to take a seat on the General Board of Waterschap Vechtstromen. As many as 8842 people cast a preferential vote for me. Apart from the list leaders, I received the most votes.
A clear signal of wanting rejuvenation in the water board. Tonight I will be officially installed as the youngest water board member in the history of our water board. I can hardly grasp it yet, but I'm really looking forward to it!
The water board will become a bit greener in the coming years. Water Natuurlijk gained a seat, making it the largest party. It is also nice to see that Water Natuurlijk and DWARS are getting along better and better.
I want to thank everyone for the sweet messages and for your voices. You made yourself heard!"