
On this page you will find all important public documents of DWARS Limburg. Here you can find our plan for this board year, read how we treat each other within DWARS and see what we do with your data.

Have questions about the documents on this page? Send the secretary then a message.


Current policy plan & policies DWARS Limburg of past board years:

AAV minutes from past board years:

Motions were also tabled during the AAV held every six months. In the process, some motions were also accepted!
The accepted motions are as follows:

  • Brabanders are pretty cool
  • Extra attention to the AAV
  • Motion political programme
  • Motion monthly "drinks"

In the file Motions DWARS Limburg you can read more about these motions and what they entail! If you would like to see something reflected on the board make sure you come to the next AAV and submit a motion by sending an email to the secretary at! If you need an example of how to file a motion feel free to look in the file Motions DWARS Limburg for layout and how the text should be to submit a nice and neat motion.