

"You shouldn't reward illegal landlords"

An interview with municipal councillor Ahmet Kargin
Leiden and students often go hand in hand, but ni...

18 December 2023

DWARS for Europe: interview with Kim from Sparrentak

Interview with young European Parliament candidate Kim van Sparrentak

Ahead of the...

13 May 2019

DWARSers for the States: Niels Goedegebure

Young people are incredibly important to the province. That's why we let all DWARSe candidates from G...

14 March 2019

DWARSers for the States: Ida Vos

Young people are incredibly important to the province. That is why we let all DWARSe candidate...

08 February 2019

DWARSers voor de Staten: Anneke Kraamer

Young people are incredibly important to the province. That's why we let all DWARSe candidates from G...

24 January 2019

DWARSers for the States: Jonathan Thijs

Young people are incredibly important to the province. That's why we let all DWARSe candidates from G...

09 January 2019
blog, interviews

Interview: Nol van Gerven for Provincial Council

Zoals de meesteย wel zullen wetenย komen de Provinciale Statenverkiezingen eraan in 2019, maar voord…

22 November 2018
interviews, nieuwsbericht

Interview with Maurice Knijnenburg #4 GroenLinks Noordwijk

DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden vindt het belangrijk om jongeren in de gemeenteraad te krijgen. 21 november …

17 November 2018