DWARS helpt de voedselbank

The number of people in Groningen in need of money is skyrocketing, according to the Food Bank City of Groningen. Therefore, their aim is to contribute to alleviating poverty and combat wastage. The food bank does this by collecting foodstuffs and making them available free of charge to households unable to meet their basic living needs. But what exactly goes on at Voedselbank Groningen? What do the volunteers there actually do?

To find out, Dwars Groningen is organising a field trip to the food bank on Saturday morning 8 October at 09.00 at Oosterhamrikkade Z.Z. 119. There, we will be given a tour of the premises. Afterwards, we may help with executive work to get an idea of how things work.

Non-members are also welcome!

(To avoid confusion, Food Bank Groningen's premises are shared with Goud Goed and Praktijk Broens)

  • Location: Oosterhamrikkade zz 119, 9713 Groningen
  • Department: DWARS Groningen
  • Time: 10 December 2016 09.00