Theme night Sleep Act

Dwars Groningen is organising a theme night on 26 November on Dutch anti-terrorism legislation. A global trend of new and increasingly far-reaching legal powers in the "war on terror" is visible. This trend is also visible in the Netherlands, think for example of the recent dragnet law that allows security services to collect more and longer data from citizens. Several legal experts and terrorism experts question this. Namely, it is unclear whether these powers are really effective in preventing attacks. On the other hand, there are also experts who see these measures as necessary, or accept them for lack of better means.

Professor Dr J. Brouwer, affiliated to the RUG and director of "the Centre for Pulic Order and Safety", will explain Dutch terrorism legislation in a lecture from his expertise and vision. Afterwards, there will of course be room for discussion. If you want to know more about these laws, and the role of Dutch politics in their expansion, come to the GroenLinkspand in Groningen on 26 November! The lecture starts at 20:30, but you are welcome from 20:00 for coffee and tea

  • Location: Coehoornsingel 87
  • Department: DWARS Groningen
  • Time: 16 November 2017 20:00