Motions can be submitted at our semi-annual congresses. Below is a list of motions adopted at past congresses.
Motions can be a call to all members of DWARS, a particular committee or body within DWARS, or to the board. If a motion is a call to the board, the board member(s) in charge of implementing the motions is also listed on this page. Do you have questions about the implementation of a motion that lies with the board? If so, please contact the board member responsible!
Winter conference 2024
MOTION: He curves, he curves, the dear good... donor association
Responsible board member: Lars van de Boer (Treasurer)
Calls on the Country Board:
- Supporting KROM in its establishment
- KROM to give a gift worth €1000 for its establishment.
- Establish a covenant with KROM to establish agreements between the two associations, including the agreement that 80% of member dues to KROM will be donated to DWARS.
MOTION: KlaDiTelefoonDi
Responsible board member: Lars van de Boer (Treasurer)
Calls on the Country Board:
- Purchase board telephones for all board members.
MOTION: Less work, less pressure (for the board)
Responsible board member: Gijs Broere (secretary)
Calls on the Country Board:
- Add a new checkbox on the website page where motions are submitted, indicating that the submitter is aware that submitting the motion will create additional workload and that the motion is the only solution.
MOTION: No activities without shared responsibility
Member of the board responsible: Luc Goos (Activities)
Calls on the Country Board:
- Not allowing non-emergency activities to go ahead if there is no (international) activities committee.
MOTION: Communicating can be learned.
Responsible board member: Julian Bos (Framework coaching)
Calls on the Country Board:
- Cadres on DWARSe matters to be contacted only on their board number, Slack, their DWARSe email address.
- Not to approach cadres at informal activities on matters concerning their functions.
MOTION: Your silence is a luxury
Responsible board member: Soesha Sandker (international politics)
Calls on the Country Board:
- Actively facilitate this.
- Seek out the (national) media, capitalising on relevant current affairs.
MOTION: For your left future
Responsible board member: Farah Bijl (Participation & Democracy) and Minne van der Mast (Chairman)
Calls on the Country Board:
- To convey to GroenLinks that DWARS is positive about cooperation with the Labour Party, including a possible merger, but that it is also important to seek cooperation with other left-wing parties.
- Express to GroenLinks the importance of ensuring a proper and democratic process towards a possible merger, in which member participation is central.
- To convey to GroenLinks that the progressive and leftist sound should not be lost in the cooperation with the Labour Party, and that talks should be held on political positions and ideology.
MOTION: DWARS will be young and socialist?!
Responsible board member: Farah Bijl (Participation & Democracy) and Minne van der Mast (Chairman)
Calls on the Country Board:
- Properly prepare and examine the process towards a possible merger with the JS, even if there is still no clarity on what GroenLinks and Labour Party will decide.
- In this process, pay special attention to the organisational structure and safe atmosphere of the possible new political youth organisation.
- In this process, advocate that, if possible, the future youth organisation of DWARS and JS should join both European umbrella organisations FYEG and YES.
- To officially start the process towards a merger between DWARS and JS only if GroenLinks opts in favour of a merger with the Labour Party through a member referendum.
Summer conference 2024
MOTION: Green you must do, so appoint the green champion
Responsible board member: Farah Bijl (Participation & Democracy)
Calls on the Country Board:
- To the establishment of an annual tradition naming a Green Champion, chosen on the basis of his/her exceptional contributions to promoting climate awareness, taking actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting sustainable practices at the local, national or international level. This green champion has an underexposed story and is also not a DWARSer.
MOTION: DWARS against merger
Responsible board member: Farah Bijl (Participation & Democracy)
Calls on the Country Board:
- To organise a new member consultation and substantive discussion moments regarding cooperation between PvdA and GroenLinks, and left-wing cooperation in the broad sense.
MOTION: Particularly important B1
Responsible board members: Farah Bijl (Participation & Democracy) and Soesha Sandker (Member Engagement)
Asks the National Board of DWARS:
- To draft a policy document explaining the rules for accessible language.
MOTION: More efficient election of political advisers
Responsible board member: Farah Bijl (Participation & Democracy)
Calls on the National Board and Congress Committee:
- To use different ballot papers from the next winter congress to make the election faster, by having all elections take place at once on 1 ticket.
MOTION: Create an optional DWARS-JS house style
Responsible board member: Rick Baerends (Member recruitment)
Calls on the Country Board to:
- To explore whether a house style can be developed that we can use when working together, in addition to the current house style. Just as there is now a GL and GL-PvdA house style.
- If possible, develop a new corporate identity that can be used by both DWARS and the JS.
MOTION: Leave all departments free, and house style for joint statements *sometimes* dropped
Responsible board member: Rick Baerends (Member recruitment)
Calls on the Country Board to:
- To explore the extent to which departments can be given the freedom to deviate from the house style in the case of a joint political statement, for joint mail with different PJOs
- Granting the possible freedom to departments as well.
MOTION: Broad left cooperation
Responsible board member: Farah Bijl (Participation & Democracy)
Calls on the Country Board to:
- Provide space within DWARS for debate on broad left-wing cooperation and hold a new member consultation on this,
- Until then, urge GroenLinks to also set their sights on working with parties such as Party for the Animals, BIJ1 and the Greens.
MOTION: On our money
Responsible board members: Lars van de Boer (Treasurer) and Julian Bos (Framework Supervisor)
Calls on the Country Board to:
- Work with the Young Socialists board to establish agreements and guidelines for financial cooperation.
- This should take into account the difference in financial resources between the associations.
- Paying specific attention here to the sections of both DWARS and the Young Socialists.
MOTION: Being on the a12 is something you do together
Responsible board member: Julian Bos (Activism & Campaign)
Calls on the Country Board to:
- Jointly campaign on specific issues.
- Jointly campaign for comment on current affairs within the parent parties.
MOTION: Together Europapa
Responsible board members: Julian Bos (Activism & Campaigning) and Soesha Sandker (International Politics)
Calls on the Country Board to:
- Conduct joint campaign with the Young Socialists in case of a joint European candidate list of GroenLinks with the Labour Party, with the parties taking seats in the Greens.
- Hereby jointly promoting young candidates
- Take into account departments' desires for flexibility in drafting joint campaign guidelines.
MOTION: Together with the JS against the far right
Responsible board members: Julian Bos (Activism & Campaigning) and Farah Bijl (Participation and Democracy)
Calls on the Country Board to:
- Not to campaign jointly if there is no joint list.
- Do campaign jointly to support young candidates in elections.
MOTION: Stop use of the IHRA definition
Responsible board members: Minne van der Mast (Chairman) and Soesha Sandker (International Politics)
Calls on the Country Board to:
- Urge the GroenLinks-PvdA group in the House of Representatives, preferably both internally and externally, to speak out and oppose the use of the IHRA definition and to preferably use the JDA definition instead, especially in the context of legislation;
- And calling on the group not to go along with (far)right narratives that instrumentalise the fight against anti-Semitism for Muslim hatred and against justice for Palestine.
Winter conference 2023
MOTION: We are the unlucky generation!
Responsible board members: Minne van der Mast (Chairman) and Rick Baerends (National Politics)
Calls on the Country Board:
- To advocate to party boards and political groups that sustained efforts be made to
abolishing interest on student debt - And insist on offsetting debts for the unlucky generation with the full amount of
to basic grant they lost
MOTION: Avoid conferences on regional holidays
Member of the Board responsible: Farah Bijl (Participation & democracy)
Calls on the Country Board:
- To try not to hold congress during regional festivals
Summer conference 2023
MOTION: Mail-me-not register
Calls for future search committee:
- Maintain a "mail-me-not register" of people who explicitly say they no longer want to be informed about new vacancies
- Doing so in a way that safeguards privacy as much as possible
MOTION: Clear language in financial statements
Responsible board member: Lars van de Boer (Treasurer)
Calls on the treasurer: to take into account the financial literacy of the average DWARS member in the preparation of the 2023 annual accounts. This mainly calls for financial terms to be explained in B1 Dutch where possible.
MOTION: No to alcohol culture
Member of the Board responsible: Farah Bijl (Participation & democracy)
Calls on the national board: to take action to make the culture around the use of alcohol within DWARS more inclusive. For example, by organising meeting(s) on how people perceive the alcohol culture within DWARS and what they see as a solution.
MOTION: Engaging MBOs is important
Calls on members: to join a future MBO working group, if they feel connected to it.
MOTION: Demand 0
Responsible board member: Julian Bos (Activism & Campaign)
Calls for:
- Continuing to express clear support for Extinction Rebellion;
- Continue to support the actions of Extinction Rebellion also on the ground from support demonstrations;
- To look into the possibilities of legal activities such as action training that can be organised with Extinction Rebellion.
- Show solidarity with DWARSe rebels active at XR
Responsible board member: Julian Bos (Activism & Campaign)
Calls for:
- Make more and better use of the network of DWARSe activists, by better supporting it and ensuring that it remains active;
- Increase promotion of the activist network;
- Conduct training sessions on protest participation;
- Support departments in organising protests and other actions.
MOTION: A European campaign requires European cooperation
Responsible board members: Soesha Sandker (International politics) and Julian Bos (Activism & Campaigning)
Calls on the national board to:
Regarding the campaign:
- A link was established between the Campaign Committee and DIRT, and that the board would lead and guide this collaborative effort.
- These two committees are working together for our European campaign.
- Our European campaign is planned taking into account FYEG's campaign and initiatives for the upcoming election year.
- Aligning as much as possible with FYEG's campaign to avoid collisions.
With regard to supporting and promoting young candidates, FYEG's initiatives in the coming election year, including the Young Candidates Platform, will be taken into account.
MOTION: Make use of local knowledge
Responsible board members: Julian Bos (Framework guidance) and (Activism & Campaign)
Calls on the national board to: support DWARSe candidates in local elections, but give departments room to deviate from this if they consult with the National Board.
MOTION: The MMM Motion: Motions should be easier
Member of the Board responsible: Farah Bijl (Participation & democracy)
Calls on the national board to:
- To look critically at the way motions are now submitted and see if that could be more accessible.
- In future look into the possibility of making it a condition that motions should be written in B1
MOTION: Search Improvement for the SearchCie
Responsible board member: Julian Bos (Framework coaching)
Calls on the national board to: in collaboration with the search committee and other similar parties (think board members member recruitment and binding of GroenLinks), evaluate the current approach and tools we use to recruit and activate members, present the research at the winter congress, and based on this, adjust and sharpen the mission and visibility of the search committee to give a new mission at the summer congress.
Winter conference 2022
MOTION: Boycott Twitter, on to Mastodon
Calls on the national board to:
- In any case, if DWARS will also be present at Mastodon, preferably the Dutch instance;
- To consider quitting Twitter if it completely collapses
Calls on DWARSers to:
- Boycott Twitter and switch to Mastodon
MOTION: No to Heineken
Calls on the board that: the adopted Heineken motion be implemented again
MOTION: DWARS in conversation: international
Calls on the national board, proposers and interested DWARSers to: have conversations before, after and especially during the governance structure review to see how DWARS can remain internationally relevant.
Summer conference 2022
MOTION: Accountability diversity speakers
Calls on departmental boards: To have each board within DWARS's departments give an account at the end of the year explaining how the board paid attention to diversity among speakers and to what extent they succeeded.
MOTION: Involve MBO students
Calls on departments to: At least once a year, actively try to reach MBO students through a student fair or other means.
Calls on the national board: To participate in as many MBO student fairs as possible, as it did with the summer tour, and to take a coordinating role in this.
MOTION: Miscellaneous membership recruitment
Calls on the board:
- In its membership recruitment, actively work to increase diversity within our association;
- Thereby focusing on diversity of colour, educational background and people with disabilities;
- Involve the rest of the association in this as well by, for example, having departments, committees and other bodies also be an active part of the various membership drives.
MOTION: Better member retention
Calls on the board:
- To explore ways in which member engagement can be better utilised that encourage all members to become active at DWARS
- Use the results of the survey to improve membership retention at DWARS
- Actively involve the search committee here
MOTION: New and better coffee machine at the DWARS Rural premises
Calls on the national board to purchase a fully automatic espresso machine and make this available to all meeting members on the DWARS premises.
Calls on DWARS as a whole, nationwide and at branches, to declare a boycott in terms of cooperation and joint activities with JFVD, and to further urge other political youth organisations to do the same.
(Current) MOTION: Holy trinity to categories
Calls for next congresses to include the in annex 1 system described to be used so that we can deal with many amendment proposals effectively, while maintaining association democracy.
(Current) MOTION: Carry forward the recent DWARS referendum result to GroenLinks
Calls on the DWARS board to,
- In talks and meetings with GroenLinks, clearly advocate the forms of cooperation with the Labour Party for which there was a majority in favour in the DWARS referendum, with the exception of the proposal for a full party merger (for which there was a smaller majority);
- In talks and meetings with GroenLinks, also advocate involving young people in building these forms of cooperation with the Labour Party;
- To explore with the JS board how to further expand cooperation between DWARS and JS.
Winter conference 2021
Please note that for some of the motions below, it is still unclear whether they were adopted or not. This is because, according to the unadopted minutes, they were assessed as rejected, with the votes in favour exceeding the votes against. According to the articles of association (Article 29(6) in the currently valid version), abstentions do not count as votes cast on matters. If there is any doubt, an asterisk (*).
MOTION: Accessibility is not a privilege
Calls on the National Board and departmental boards to organise a moment to look together at concretely improving the accessibility of DWARSe activities. This should include the formulation of clear guidelines, such as an accessibility checklist.
MOTION : Love letter to DWARS
Calls on all members of DWARS to
- to remember these things in continued membership and put them into practice as they see fit, while being mindful of traditionally less visible people and their own relationship to them;
- yet especially consider signing up for something within DWARS and actually try it, no you have, yes you can get (EDM, Debatkollektief);
- when in doubt about anything, when applying for any position, ask questions to, for example, the search committee and those who have positions you might also be interested in;
- petitioner to address this motion on questions about anything.
Calls on all members of DWARS present at the congress in particular to
- in this vote to put the voting card on the head, but to do so at the time they want, so put the card on your head even in case of a negative vote.
Calls on the petitioner:
- to request Thank You for The Music by Abba during the congressional event;
- enjoy this last congress and feel all the emotions as they come, give all the members the space to continue this congress in the normal way and be grateful for all the time I had. I am writing this with tears in my eyes because DWARS really means a lot to me. I could not have become who I am without all the wonderful members over the years and am so happy for that. But at the same time, I shouldn't cry because it's over, but smile because it happened. In short: I love you guys, I will continue to follow you and donate from time to time (see the conference party), all the best to you!!!!
Asks all members of DWARS non-committal question:
- whether they would like to put on Thank You for The Music by Abba for themselves, while still thinking of me in the absence of a congressional party;
- slid into my DMs on insta, facebook or twitter in order to claim a tick for (discount on) a 2.50 drink from me for lack of conference party, 'secret code' is ARHS11Exit, search my name on your favourite search medium.
(Current) MOTION: GroenLinks asks for too much
Calls on the board to go to the GroenLinks congress to advocate for a higher subsidy from GroenLinks, or to reduce costs on the grounds that DWARS has more value for GroenLinks than just a financial contribution for (sub)rent.
(Current) MOTION : Action at the GroenLinks conference
Calls on the board, in support of a motion at the GroenLinks congress asking for more money, to set up a collection action at the door, under the guise of '€3 per congress participant would cover our costs at GroenLinks'. With this collection action, vouchers for speaking time can then be recruited directly.
(Current) MOTION: Drag GroenLinks before the Covenant Cases Disputes Committee
Calls on the board to go to the covenant disputes committee regarding the Jetten funds, to enforce that DWARS is still allowed to use these funds at least next year.
(Current) MOTION: Congress is more than a city break!
Calls on the introduction committee to propose an HR amendment proposal at the upcoming summer congress that creates a delegation to take these considerations into account. And calls on the introduction committee to develop a handbook for this delegation.
Summer conference 2021
MOTION: Thursday
Calls on the National Board of DWARS to make Thursday a DWARSe holiday and set a date to annually call on DWARSers and others to join a union and proceed to the order of business.
MOTION: Support the Candidates Committee and Search Committee to be inclusive
Calls on the board:
- Before the next establishment of the Candidates Committee (Winter Congress 2021), create an association-wide policy for inclusive recruitment and selection of candidates, in consultation with the Candidates Committee and the Search Committee. From this policy,
Search Committee, Candidates Committee, National Board and departments use. - In doing so, ensure that the Candidates Committee and Search Committee members are supported in carrying out inclusive recruitment and selection, e.g. through (money for) professional training.
- To put in the brief for the next Candidates' Committee that they do an evaluation and inform the members about it. This evaluation is about how candidates experienced the process and interviews, the thresholds in this and how these thresholds can be lowered.
- Support the Candidates' Committee in carrying out this evaluation.
MOTION: Talent knows no age
Calls on the National Board to omit reporting on age in the next draft brief for the Candidates' Committee, to be prepared for the Winter Congress 2021.
MOTION: Intolerance is not a 'phobia'
Calls on the board to stop using 'phobia' to describe bigotry and replace it with 'hate' or something that similarly reflects reality in all existing DWARS documents and future expressions.
MOTION: Labour Party to hold on to formation
Calls on the board to insist in the House of Representatives faction meeting to join the coalition only if the Labour Party does the same, and to leave coalition negotiations only if the Labour Party does the same, and to feed back GroenLinks's response to this proposal to DWARS members as soon as possible;
Calls on the board to also publicly, through the DWARS social media channels, call on GroenLinks to hold on to the Labour Party in the formation;.
MOTION: Closer cooperation with Labour Party's Lower House party *
Calls on the board to urge it to work more closely with the Labour Party's House of Representatives faction in the House of Representatives meeting by having the two groups meet together, share portfolios and vote together more often as a bloc, and to feed GroenLinks's response to this proposal back to DWARS members as soon as possible;
MOTION: GroenLinks-PvdA left-wing cooperation committee (version a) *
Calls on the board to urge the GroenLinks board to set up a joint GroenLinks-PvdA committee to explore how, in the medium and long term, GroenLinks can work more closely with the Labour Party at local, provincial, national and European levels, and to feed back GroenLinks's response to this proposal to DWARS members as soon as possible;
MOTION: GroenLinks-PvdA Committee on the Left (version b) *
Calls on the board to establish a joint DWARS-JS committee to explore how DWARS and JS can work more closely together and have this committee report their findings at the 2022 DWARS Summer Congress;
MOTION: Support alliance
Calls on the DWARS board to put an information guide on the DWARS website containing concrete tools and resources on allyship.
MOTION: Context is fine!
Calls on the board, committees and all other bodies within DWARS to
- Providing additional context in minutes by giving more information on choices made by, among other things, naming the different schools of thought or opinions and why certain choices were made.
- Indicating (where possible) when and why sometimes certain matters are not
can be spoken in minutes such as in closed consultations with GroenLinks or when it comes to the functioning of individuals. - Working out brainstorming better, for example, and in doing so, sharing the results of a brainstorm with context as to why certain ideas were or were not chosen.
MOTION: Alliance among members
Calls on DWARS members to actively delve into what privilege is, pay attention to their own privilege, create space and listen to marginalised groups and engage with them.
MOTION: I will give a kidney for no Rutte IV
Calls on the board to make it clear to GroenLinks that for DWARS government participation of GroenLinks is not possible if it ensures that Mark Rutte remains prime minister.
MOTION: Online hate
Calls on the board to look at how DWARSers can best protect themselves from online hate and inform members accordingly, and
Calls on the board to urge GroenLinks to expand their hate policy where possible, and
Calls on GroenLinks Nationwide to also protect candidates lower down the list in future elections and thus treat them equally.
MOTION: Culture within DWARS
Calls on members to keep in mind the intention of the tabled motion 'Be a nice peer, provide a safe atmosphere', to provide a nice atmosphere themselves and to listen to critical DWARSers and try to understand them.
MOTION: Necessity still breaks the law - promotion and training of peaceful civil disobedience actions
Calls on the Congress to make it possible for DWARS to actively invite and educate members for peaceful civil disobedience actions in line with DWARS thinking such as climate action where inclusiveness is given a central role.
MOTION: Necessity still breaks the law - actively (co-)organise peaceful civil disobedience actions
Calls on Congress to allow the activist network of DWARS to (co-)organise peaceful civil disobedience actions in line with DWARS ideas such as climate action.
This should take into account the considerations from the legal opinion in terms of the impact and risks for the association, and inclusiveness will have a central role.
MOTION: Daniel the Document Name *
Calls on the Congressional Committee to:
- From now on, in all internal communications, give large documents names, and
- Coming up with these names every Congress, and
- Alliterate these names (have the same initials with the first and last names).
Winter conference 2020
MOTION: Female oppressors are also oppressors
MOTION: Congressional paper
Calls on the board and congress committee to call the 'congress reader' 'congress newspaper' from the next congress, and proceeds to the order of business.
MOTION: Heart under the belt
MOTION: Stop the unnecessary merchandise culture <3
MOTION: Change name to minutes
Calls on the board to make it possible for members to change their own names in old minutes.
MOTION: Be a cool per, provide a safe atmosphere
Calls on the board to work on this and find out what is causing this unsafe association atmosphere (e.g. by means of an anonymous member survey), and at the next winter congress - with an interim report at the summer congress - to publish the results of this survey and associated recommendations as a congressional paper
Calls on the Congress, and thereby DWARSers in general, to watch out for each other that members have the space to be able to be critical or have a dissenting opinion, and that they do not start feeling unsafe, overwhelmed or anxious because they are critical or have a dissenting opinion.
Deplores current manners, and
Calls on members to keep the code of conduct in mind and be kind to each other.
MOTION: platypuses
Proclaims platypus as the DWARSe animal of the year 2020, and calls on members to again proclaim a DWARS animal of the year at the winter congress 2021.
MOTION: Accessibility of motions
Calls on the board to remind DWARSers to use accessible language when submitting proposals.
MOTION: Adaptation format for motions
Calls on the board to add an explanation to the form for motions. This would explain difficult terms, and also include an explanation of what the purpose of motions is, and of the 'noting that' and 'whereas' sections.
Summer conference 2020
MOTION: Statutory amendments Winter Congress
Calls on the board to:
To consider all recommended amendments to the bylaws at the 2020 Winter Congress, and proceed to the order of business.
Winter conference 2019
MOTION: Grant of GroenLinks
Calls on the board of DWARS to:
- To table a motion at the congress of GroenLinks calling on the GroenLinks board to increase the grant to DWARS.
- Also conduct an internal campaign to get this motion passed.
- To refrain from making a motion if a suitable solution is found in time with GroenLinks.
MOTION: Special characters on the DEBSTER font
Calls on the DWARS board to implement special characters in the DEBSTER font.
MOTION: begging from public figures
Calls on the board of DWARS to draft a plan to recruit more (structural and one-off) donors among former members. (For example, through a call round).
MOTION: Prepared for the worst
Calls on the board of DWARS to prepare a sample budget or contingency plan for a real situation in which DWARS's income declines sharply (e.g. if GroenLinks wins seven seats in the upcoming elections and DWARS's membership declines by 1,000), and present it at the summer congress.
MOTION: DWARS 2020 revisited
Calls on the DWARS board to have appointed a campaign committee for the 2021 House of Representatives elections by March 2020.
MOTION: incredibly cool association
Calls on the board of DWARS to dye their hair green.
MOTION: Recognition memelord
Calls on the congress committee and board member(s) to put the position "Memelord and sticker architect" on Tim's name tag for upcoming congresses when he will attend.
MOTION: Handstand
Calls on Bas Mekel to try a handstand for the amusement of the membership meeting.
Summer conference 2019
MOTION: Debt-free sex
Calls on the DWARS board to purchase new condoms for DWARS that are produced vegan.
MOTION: Half-year financial report
Calls on the national board to present a half-year financial report at the winter congress.
MOTION: Behave!
Calls on the board and members to consider ways to make the code of conduct more of a 'living document', which can be reviewed and updated at appropriate times.
MOTION: Inspection of declarations
Calls on the board to explore the possibilities of providing more insight into member declarations (e.g. by again sending a confirmation e-mail showing the completed declaration form).
MOTION: True inclusiveness 1
Calls on the organisers of the next congress to consider a more inclusive way of determining gender identity at the congress, for example by asking people about their personal pronouns when registering, and moves on to the order of the day.
MOTION: Climate crisis
Calls on DWARS to speak of a "climate crisis" rather than climate change, and of a "mass extinction" rather than the loss of biodiversity, in its public statements.
MOTION: Website statistics
Calls on the board to make it possible for departmental administrators to see statistics on the number of times their pages have been visited.
MOTION: No Heineken at DWARS get-togethers
Calls on the board of DWARS, GroenLinkse Youth to stop serving Heineken at activities where they are responsible for purchasing drinks themselves.
Interim Congress 2019
MOTION: Housing emergency
Calls on the board to present at the autumn congress an outline of how to deal with such an emergency, looking at cuts in other items and financial reserves.
Winter conference 2018
MOTION: Encourage veganism within DWARS
Calls on the board, departments and members to stop purchasing animal products at the expense of DWARS, barring exceptions on medical or organisational grounds.
MOTION: Alcohol is a choice
Calls on the board to ensure there is a presence at every get-together after four beers.
MOTION: bullet points
Calls on the board to start creating a reference book, explaining the points of the next political programme.
MOTION: LGBTIAQ+ education
Calls on interested DWARS members to join RozeLinks and the relevant working groups/committees of DWARS to discuss a good curriculum on LGBTIAQ+ education.
MOTION: Electronic voting
Calls on the board to explore the possibility of allowing members to vote electronically (anonymously) at future congresses.
MOTION: Delete gender registration
Calls on the board to call on GroenLinks to stop registering gender, and delete the information already collected.
MOTION: Improving Congress together
Calls on the congress committee to conduct a survey after each DWARS congress where congress participants can provide feedback on all aspects of the congress.
MOTION: Grandpa Bram
Calls on the DWARS board to refer to Bram van Ojik as 'Grandpa Bram' from now on, provided it is done in an informal atmosphere.
Summer Congress 2018
MOTION: Air quality
Calls on the board to give more priority to air quality in the coming year: both the causes and the consequences. For example, by organising a tour at or demonstration against Tata Steel, depending on the board's insight.
MOTION: This is what we stand for
Calls for a requirement that amendment proposals should henceforth be submitted with the support of at least 10 individual members.
MOTION: Activism
Calls on all DWARSers to recognise DWARS's role in representing the DWARSe voice in the national debate and to show more often the initiative to organise and participate in actions.
MOTION: DWARSers learn to spell!
Calls on all DWARSers to correctly refer to themselves and each other as DWARSers from now on.
MOTION: "The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates
Calls on the new board to recognise the Poffie as a working group of DWARS and give it an email address and a page on the site.
MOTION: Alternative forms of voting
Calls on the board to identify the possibilities of alternative forms of voting at DWARS and report on this at the next congress.
MOTION: DWARS on tour Carnevalsedition
Calls on the association and especially the Baco to introduce the Carnival festival to all members, especially the northern ones, through a grandiose multi-day tour, thus making a significant contribution to (cultural) education. Using as model cities: Oeteldonk, Kattegat, Lampegat and Mestreech.
Winter Congress 2017
MOTION: Alternative to Facebookevents
Calls on the board to always offer all information about an activity also in an alternative way, e.g. on the cross-site, through the newsletter, or through a special activity pin.
MOTION: Towing Act campaign
Calls on the board to let DWARS campaign against the WIV in relation to the referendum.
MOTION: Print-friendly congressional papers
Calls on the board to make a print-friendly version of the congress documents available (as a PDF) in addition to distributing them in their current form. As an example, the current congress reader would be made more printer-friendly by removing headers and footers, reducing headings, removing images and minimising white space.
MOTION: Privacy-friendly website
Calls on the Country Board not to use external components on DWARS websites that track visitors unwanted.
MOTION: Google is not our friend
Calls on the board to: remove the said document and take measures so that in future, privacy-sensitive information of our members is not shared with Google.
MOTION: Timely availability of promotional material
Calls on the board to have clear policies around providing promotional materials to departments so that there are enough promotional materials available to departments at crucial times.
MOTION: Language errors
Calls on DWARS boards to use the Dutch language correctly.
MOTION: Bonding and activation of younger members
Calls on the Congress to actively support local chapters (e.g. in exchange of ideas) and encourage recruitment of younger members and involve them in Dwars activities.
MOTION: Free voting rights
Calls for exploring the possibility of making it possible for members not to pay extra to exercise voting rights in the future provided they choose not to use the culinary facilities offered and sleeping space and lunch are therefore decoupled from congress entrance fees.
MOTION: Style icon you know
Each congress under the leadership of the Scholing board member and an independent jury (which the board member leads) to declare a member as ' Most Stylish Member of Congress' or 'Corrie of Congress'.
MOTION: Stop The 'Movement'
Calls on Congress to lay a barf every time the board uses the word 'movement' to show solidarity with anyone who has simply joined an association.
MOTION: McDonalds
Calls on Lotte to shame herself to death and moves on to the order of the day.
MOTION: Feession
Calls on the Congress to congratulate all birthdayers, gift a cake and sing Happy Birthday together.
Calls on the government to store itself underground to avoid ridiculous decision-making.
MOTION: Blurred Lines
The DJs of all future DWARS activities (and especially conferences)... Never to play the song blurred lines again.
MOTION: Spy for democracy
Calls on the board to appoint one member each year by lot as DWARS's 'Spy for Democracy'. This person will be registered with the JFVD at the expense of DWARS.
MOTION: In addition to for and against the possibility of voting D66
Calls on the board to add a third option on ballots: for, against and D66.
MOTION: It's getting pretty bad by the minute
Calls on Congress to wear jumpers more often or else go "full-jesse" with an open white blouse with the sleeves rolled up.
Summer Congress 2017
MOTION: Departmental buddies for president
Instructs the board to reinstate the ward-buddy system, with the ward-buddy knowing the mood and status of a ward and serving as the first line to the board. He/she can also serve as an advocate on behalf of the ward far national decisions affecting the local ward. A ward buddy supports the ward (e.g. board changes) where appropriate.
MOTION: Local budgets
Instructs the board to investigate the possibility, costs and pros and cons of giving departments their own bank accounts.
MOTION: Local press to local DWARSer
Instructs the board that DWARS departments are basically the contact person with local media, unless DWARS nationwide has a good reason to do so on their behalf.
MOTION: Ask departments about departments
Instructs the board to actively involve departments in national decision-making on departments.
MOTION: Internal server
Calls on the board to hhe study of the possibility of creating an internal DWARS-wide serverto classify all documents.
MOTION: Love for departments
Instructs the board to do its best to give departments a more visible place. For example, in external presentation and in promotion of local activities or successes.
MOTION: More sustainable tableware
Calls on the board to use more sustainable tableware at conventions and separate waste.
MOTION: Condoms
Calls for more cool shit to be given to members, like sunglasses, bags you can use for anything.
MOTION: Fuck the system
Calls on the board to put 'Fuck the system' on the packaging of condoms.
MOTION: DWARS to Ënde Gelände
To send a DWARS delegation to the Ende Gelände action and climate camp in Germany.
MOTION: DWARS to code Red
To send a DWARS delegation to the Code Red action and climate camp at the Amsterdam port.
MOTION: Vision piece
MOTION: Viva la Revolution
MOTION: Cofveve
If the President of the United States of America is elected as President of DWARS, he/she should resign his/her position as President of the United States.
Autumn Congress 2016
Calls on the board to support the Traject2018 project group to the best of its ability and to set aside financial space for Traject2018 in the year 2017 and 2018. Calls on members to consider whether a municipal council membership might be something for them and, if so, to apply for Traject2018.
Calls on the board to support the Traject2019 project group to the best of its ability and set aside financial space for Traject2019 in the year 2017 and 2018. Calls on members to consider whether membership of the Provincial Assembly might be something for them and, if so, to apply for Traject2019.
MOTION: Save the deductible
Instructs the board, as DWARS, to co-sign an amendment removing the abolition of the deductible from the GroenLinks programme and to actively advocate at the GroenLinks Congress for the retention of the deductible.
MOTION: Where is that four-star congress?
Congress pronounces that human rights and climate are sacred, but the current congressional award is not.
MOTION: corporatisation of committees
Instructs the board to start negotiations with café Springhaver on structural discount on drinks consumptions for DWARS members.
MOTION: Affordable lunch
Calls on DWARSers to support Jasmijn Verbeek in organising a
tasty and cheap lunch on the doorstep of the GroenLinks congress.
MOTION: Better dressed
Calls on Frank de Jong to make use of his newfound free time and buy a new jacket and stop wearing his grey jacket to DWARS activities.
MOTION: Social awareness of miners' past
Instructs the board to organise an excursion to the Mining Museum in Heerlen.
MOTION: Social awareness of Dutch Peat history
Instructs the board to organise an excursion to the Veenkoloniaal museum in Veendam or the Veenpark in Barger-Compascuum.
Congress pronounces: completed life at the multivlaai.
Spring Congress 2016
MOTION: Mug and Roll
Calls on the board to try not to use disposable cups in future and, if necessary, to call on its members to bring their own mugs and green, ecological, organic and child-friendly soap so that they can clean their own mugs without extra work for the congress organisers, board or congress delegates.
MOTION: Ende gelände
Calls on DWARS to allow a group of members to travel to Ende Gelände on behalf of DWARS; calls on the board to release funds to reduce the price from €100 to €120 per person for transport, accommodation and food; and calls on trip participants to share trip experiences with DWARS.
MOTION: DWARSe candidates
Calls on the board to actively campaign both before and during the GroenLinks congress for Former DWARSers Mieke van der Vegt, Paulien Gankema and Rogier Elshout in their candidacy for the party executive committee.
Autumn Congress 2015
MOTION: Decentralisation of care
The board is urged to work with care committee to provide training activities on municipal devolution. Members are urged to read up on the subject and take action. The Nijmegen section stresses that this is very important, as its own experience shows that a lot goes wrong with decentralisation and many people do not know where they stand.
MOTION: Make a difference!
Call for members of DWARS to volunteer with refugee organisations.
MOTION: Declaration contest
The petitioners urge the board to write up a declaration contest to highlight the most beautifully completed form.
MOTIONS: Almanac
The petitioners call on the board to create a (digital) lustrum book.
Spring Congress 2015
Adopted substantive motions:
MOTION: Lustrum
Noting that:
- DWARS, GroenLinkse youth celebrates its fifth anniversary in 2016.
- This should be celebrated grandly and compellingly.
- Whereas this will take the necessary time, money and manpower.
Calls on the board:
- Start preparations for organising the 2015 lustrum.
- Devote extensive attention to the celebration of the lustrum in the 2015-2016 policy plan to be drawn up;
- Reserve funding for this in the budget to be prepared for the year 2016.
Calls on members of DWARS, GroenLinkse youth:
- Making an appropriate contribution to the organisation of the lustrum.
MOTION: Digital democracy
Noting that:
- Member participation within political parties still limited
- A PJO is the ideal place to experiment with new forms of participation
- Digital participation opportunities are very accessible
- Digital participation allows for more considered choices for inactive members
Calls on the board to:
- To experiment with advanced methods of non-binding digital participation, for example in the form of LiquidFeedback
- Report the results of the experiment to the autumn 2015 congress
Noting that:
- The next COP meeting will take place in Paris
- At COP meeting all world leaders try to make climate policy
- Paris can be easily reached by train from the Netherlands for limited costs
- This COP meeting there must be a successor to the Kyoto protocol
- The commitment of many western countries is not expected to meet the requirements needed to keep global warming within 2°C and therefore a strong voice is needed in Paris during this summit, for example in the form of demonstrations
- There is already a group of DWARSers planning to travel to Paris
- The more souls, the more joy certainly applies when the souls are DWARSers
- Deputising a chairman gives more weight to a delegation
Calls on the then sitting DWARS chairman:
- Be present at the demonstrations surrounding the COP meeting in Paris, in order to signal the priority, at least for DWARS, of the meeting
Calls on members:
- Joining the demonstrations around the COP meeting in Paris
Noting that:
- TTIP could have a potentially major (negative) impact on our society and economy
- DWARS has no position on this yet
- Eliminating certain burdensome trade barriers is not bad in itself and could potentially boost the European and US economies relatively for free
- However, this should never mean that certain EU minimum social and environmental standards would be threatened
- An undemocratic legal body (ISDS) would make this possible.
- The non-existent transparency and public participation regarding negotiations makes necessary participation of all actors involved impossible
Speaks out that:
- Removing trade barriers is a fine thing in itself, but the current course of TTIP is not the right way. Therefore, these negotiations cannot continue unless:
- Maintaining European ecological and social standards is not in question
- Making the negotiation process more transparent and giving all social actors involved an equal and important place in the process
- ISDS taken off the table
MOTION: Donors
Noting that:
- More and more DWARS members are reaching the above donor age of 28.
- These members are still enthusiastically active and still support the DWARSe ideals.
- As donors, they still financially support DWARS in this way, giving the younger active members an unforgettable experience
Calls for:
- Recruit and retain donors of 28+ for DWARS.
MOTION: Dormant department
Noting that:
- A number of departments do not have enough active members.
- Helping the nearest ward of interest may be helping a dormant ward with membership recruitment and activation of members.
Recalls that:
- DWARS members at least once a year with a group of active to conduct a playful recruitment drive in a dormant ward.
MOTION: Activities database
Noting that:
- Lots of creative and original DWARSe activities exist
- Not every department is aware of the range of DWARSe activities
- A diverse and large range of activities engage members and activate them
- Department sometimes struggle to come up with new activities
Calls on departments and the board:
- To build an online database of activities.
MOTION: More training, better guidance
Noting that:
- DWARS has the training and supervision of the active cadre almost better in order than GroenLinks
- high-quality training and coaching of the active management can increase the quality and decisiveness of GroenLinks as an association and party
- DWARS could benefit from enhanced training and mentoring opportunities
- DWARS should critically monitor the parent party not only in terms of content but also organisationally
- the National Board of DWARS is already doing this well
- a congressional ruling strengthens the position of the National Executive Committee in discussions with the party leadership
Calls on the board:
- advocate at various levels within GroenLinks, including the party leadership, to strengthen the training and mentoring of the active cadre within GroenLinks
- ultimately benefiting greatly from this
Playful motions adopted
MOTION: Language errors
Noting that:
- there are regular, language errors, in cross communication.
- this really can't happen;
- you will then be taken less seriously.
- Cross comes across as less professional as others.
Calling all DWARSers:
- to participate in the next Groot Dictee der nederlandse Taal.
Calls on Member Kortie:
- To act as grand language inquisitor and provide training to members who request it.
And moves on to the order of business.
MOTION: 10 points for Groningen
Noting that:
- The DWARS board is keen to motivate the departments to recruit new members and organise fun activities
- The board considered introducing a system whereby departments would be encouraged through financial incentives
- we do not think financial incentives fit well with the idealistic nature of DWARS
- Harry Potter objectively is a great book series
Calls on the Dwars board to maintain a points system for Dwars wards similar to the one applied at Hogwarts, including Quidditch tournaments.
Noting that
- Few new members say anything at congress
- Many members by now know what those who have been around longer will say
- The people who have been around longer also don't actually say that much sense, at most with more rhetorical violence and arrogance
- The really meaningful addition of a mastodon (namely Mieke van de Vegt) an award for the best participating new member was
- Jesse Klaver also named brat after particularly meaningful comments
- Jesse's career is now quite impressive
Calls on the presidium
- Declaring the new member who has made the best contribution to the congress as the snub of the congress
Calls on the board
- Giving the 'brat' a bar of chocolate before the next congress
- If you like this procedure make this a tradition
Spring Congress 2014
MOTION: Motion for grievance
Noting that:
- Mr J.P. Roelfsema, nestor of the Groningen section, always announces his birthday party well in advance due to a busy circle of friends.
- this is already the fourth year in a row that, well after Mr Roelfsema's announcement, DWARS GroenLinkse youth is planning its spring congress on the same weekend as his birthday celebration.
- Mr J.P. Roelfsema would also like to attend the spring congress.
- members of DWARS Groningen would also like to attend Mr Roelfsema's birthday party.
Expresses her sadness at the resulting rift and calls for:
- Holding indemnity from any form of spring congress for the weekend of 11-12 April 2015.
- if one is in default with regard to the above, to call Jelle personally as soon as possible in this regard as a warning: 06-[XXXXXXXX].
MOTION: board elections 2.0
Noting that
- technology stands for nothing,
- not all members are able to physically attend a congress,
- authorisation at DWARS is not possible,
- in addition to authorisation, there are ways to organise and facilitate voting without physical presence,
Speaks out that
- it is desirable to allow members to exercise their voting rights when electing a new board, if costs for this are not prohibitive
MOTION: board minutes 5.0
Noting that;
- to our great regret, there were already four motions preceding this one on board minutes,
- of these, three were worded negatively and only one positively,
- this is the fourth negatively worded motion on board minutes,
- it was demonstrated last year that sending weekly board minutes without any problems is possible,
- no board minutes have been sent to the association since early February.
- we read in the secretary's board report that she will take full responsibility for performing this task poorly,
- we therefore count on it to agree and implement the content of this motion.
Calls on the board to implement with renewed courage the distribution of board minutes via the minutes spider.
MOTION: The Mind Broadening Motion
Noting that:
- Current politics does not always have an open mind.
- As a result, no more initiatives like the White Bike Plan are ever made up.
- Fred Teeven as prosecutor was still creative.
- Herman Brood made beautiful paintings.
- Weed and similar natural products ideally suited to free the narrow-minded.
- Crossers do lead by example more often.
- Every mind could use some expansion.
Calls on the board to:
- Lead by example and organise an annual mind-blowing activity.
MOTION: I love Green!
Noting that:
- There is an upward trend in the membership of the Green Committee.
- Mr Wilders attributes an intrinsic value to Dutch culture.
- We at the Green Commission assign an intrinsic value to Dutch nature.
Calls for:
- More more more more nature!
MOTION: Eternal Secretary
Noting that:
- Jaap 'Baron' van der Heijden has played a role for the association that cannot be underestimated,
- Jaap has done so diligently for the past few years, as an organisational all-rounder,
- There is now unfortunately an end to this period, which must make both Jaap and DWARS sad,
- Although the DPRK may be a rogue state, they do know how to handle their heroes well,
- Kim Il-Sung's immortality as Eternal President of the Republic can be a guide for us,
- Jaap will surely appreciate the dynastic traits of the Kims,
- Led by DWARS, GroenLinkse Youth the Kingdom of the Netherlands and its people will uphold and continue to respect the great Baron, Comrade Jaap van der Heijden, as Eternal Secretary of the Association.
Adopted by North Korean majority. Member Van der Heijden is hereby appointed perpetual secretary of the association DWARS.
MOTION: Sustainable consumption
Noting that:
- Plastic cups will be used at the DWARS conference,
- These are not sustainable,
- DWARS, GroenLinkse Youth advocates sustainability,
- Organic and vegetarian food is already being eaten at the DWARS conference,
Concluding that:
- Plastic cups are not in line with what DWARS, GroenLinkse Youth want to portray as an organisation,
Calls on the board:
- From now on, no more use of plastic cups, but a more sustainable initiative.
MOTION: Board accountability
Noting that:
- The board's accountability is structurally an undynamic affair,
- Critical questions during the board presentation at a political youth organisation are no disgrace
Requests the board
- Consider a different format for board accountability.
MOTION: Everything used to be greener
Noting that:
- Polar caps still melting
- The Panda is still endangered
- Jolan climate change has not stopped
- Rainforests continue to be lost
- Former political secretaries Green would have achieved this long ago
Speaks out that
- Everything used to be greener
MOTION: Dear Mathilde
Noting that:
- Norms and values sometimes fall by the wayside at DWARS
- Some knowledge of etiquette completely lacking among many
- Daily newspaper Trouw has found a wonderful tool for this: the Beatrice column
- DWARSe members benefit from advice on difficult etiquette issues
- No such possibility now exists
- Stefan Bekedam is known as someone with good manners and knowledge of how things should be done
Calls on the board:
- Establish Stefan Bekedam as Mathilde, the go-to questioner for all your daily etiquette questions and give him/her a permanent section on the national website where he/she can answer these questions.
MOTION: Long live the Kingdom
Noting that:
- The Kingdom goes beyond European borders,
- The Kingdom has several countries
- DWARS has never been a supporter of countries, because it goes against the idea that we are one community rather than many different ones
- DWARS would like to see everyone represented in a representative manner,
- 300,000 Dutch are structurally underrepresented within our community,
- We also include Amersfoort or Groningen in our national decision-making,
- Even Limburg may join in, although we don't always agree,
- Our States General takes decisions that affect the whole Kingdom,
Calls on the board:
- Urging the Parliamentary Group to broaden the State of the Kingdom,
- To compete on involving all countries within the Kingdom,
- Include the 300,000 people in the non-European part of our Kingdom in our laws within the Kingdom
MOTION: animal friends
Noting that:
- There are organic products at lunch and this is to be welcomed
- Products where animals have been involved in the production process are unfortunately predominantly not organic
- We are not the Party of Animals, but we do have a heart
- Organic animal products are generally produced in a more animal-friendly way
- DWARS is an animal-friendly organisation
- Cows are cool
Calls on the board:
- To finally take to heart the countless motions on organic food.
- Thereby stopping the endless filing of these motions
- Leaving behind a happy congress and happy cows.
MOTION: Land for Tuvalu
Noting that:
- there are several areas,
- these areas will be adjusted,
- That Tuvalu is one of them,
Considering that:
- these people too have a right to land under their feet,
Expresses as her fervent wish that:
- if Tuvalu goes under, Vlieland will be made available to Tuvaluans.
Further requests the Cross Board:
- to bring this wish to the attention of the municipality of Vlieland and to inform the congress next time about the response of the municipality of Vlieland.