DWARS Utrecht tips
- White fragility - Robin DiAngelo (Racism)
- Knowledge of facts - Hans Rosling (Facts observation)
- Slavery and the city of Utrecht - Nancy Jouwe & Matthjs Kuipers & Remco Raben (Slavery Effects)
- Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harrari (History and social development)
- In stock cooking - Lucas Jeffries (Cookbook)
- As long as grass grows - Dina Gillio Whitaker (Environment and social impact)
- Talking to my daughter about the economy - Yanis Varoufakis (Economics, capitalism)
- Bad feminist - Roxane Gay (Feminism)
- Most people are virtuous - Rutger Bregman (Sociology)
- How to be an anti-racist - Ibram X Kendi (Racism)
- Solving public problems - Beth Simone Noveck (Activism)
- Merchants of doubt - Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway (Facts observation and science)
- Delusions of gender - Cordelia Fine (Gender)
- Affluenza - John de Graaf & David Wann & Thomas H Naylor (Consumption Society)
- The earth-shattering and irresistibly delicious story of Tony Chocolonely - Jeroen Siebelink (Economics and slavery)
- Stamped from the beginning - Ibram X Kendi
- Climate Mores - Bas Eickhout & Rosanne Kropman (Climate Politics)
- Why women work less than men - Liesbeth Staats (Gender inequality)
- 13th (Prison system)
- Popped out (Fireworks)
- The pink triangles (Holocaust and the gay community)
- Stonewall forever (Queer history)
- The true cost (Clothing Industry)
- Chasing coral (Climate change in the ocean)
- Disclosure (Transgender representation in the media)
- Our planet (Climate change)
- Patriot act (Changing political topics)
- Classes (Schools system)
- Why don't women work? (Gender inequality
- Black Pete and me (History)
- I weigh (Feminism, news, activism and self-image)
- The daily show (News commentary)
- The guilty feminist (Feminism)