
water boards

Let me introduce: Mathijs van Eeuwijk for Water Natuurlijk Delfland

With the three water boards that fall under our department, it might be a bit confusing...

11 March 2023
water boards

Introducing: Ide Opdam for Water Naturally Delfland

After Rijnland & Schieland and Krimpenerwaard, today it is time for a candidate from Delflan....

10 March 2023
water boards

Introducing: Mitchell Wiegand Bruss for Water Naturally Rhineland

Less than a week to go and it's already here: the Water Board elections. In this column, we will ask...

09 March 2023
water boards

Introducing: Margot Kwee for Water Natuurlijk Schieland and Krimpenerwaard

Besides the Provincial Council, you can also vote for the water boards on 15 March. For many people m...

09 March 2023