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The Leiden Election Manifesto

26 November 2019

The college in Leiden wants to change the rules around rooming out. The aim is to tackle nuisance caused by students living in rented accommodation. The college wants to do this by setting street-based quotas on the number of student houses, making indoor bicycle parking compulsory, and banning adjacent student houses. This policy is already causing problems: up to a thousand students are afraid of losing their homes. While it is uncertain that they are actually causing a nuisance.

That is why we have written a manifesto, together with the Young Democrats (D66), JOVD (VVD), and the CDJA (CDA). This contains 9 demands for the Leiden municipality to protect Leiden students from this policy.

Read the manifesto and articles by Unity and Leidsch Dagblad about our manifesto below.

Leiden election manifesto

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