PJO Debate SIB-Leiden

The Great SIB Political Youth Debate

Should we build nuclear power plants? How will the pressure on the housing market be relieved? What language should we speak at uni? DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden will debate against six other representatives of political youth organisations at the SIB Political Youth Organisations Debate. Be there soon! There are 150 spots and full = full.

The debate will take place on 20 November from 20:00-22:00 at the Lorentz Hall of the Kamerlingh Onnes Building in Leiden.

Would you like to attend? Registration is required so sign up quickly via this link (registration costs nothing!).

  • Location: Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw Leiden, Steenschuur 25
  • Department: DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden
  • Time: 20 November 2023 20.00