Our traditions 🌈

Division battle
Since we are such a large regional board, it is always a competition which municipality is actually the best. That is why this is decided annually through several games.

Board weekend
Annually we organise a board weekend together with DWARS Rotterdam-Rijnmond. We invite inspiring speakers, play some games and have cosy evenings.

Around the 5th of December we celebrate Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) in a satirical way. We play a dice game and sing DWARS Sinterklaas songs together.

We organise a potluck in January with DWARS Rotterdam-Rijnmond. Everyone brings something delicious to eat and we have a great evening together.

DWARS through the Dunes
This is our yearly walk during which our very own biologists Joost and Hessel facilitate a fun tour and explain everything we can encounter in ourΒ beautiful dunes.

Duck inauguration
Every term, the treasurer needs to adopt a duck. To this end, we look for aΒ good organisation (for example a kid’s farm) that can use a bit of extra support. If possible, we also try to come and take a look at our duck and hold a small inauguration ceremony.

Hippy barbecue
Our annual vegan barbecue!

Left jabbering
This is an evening on which we talk about a set of statements together with the Young Socialists (Jonge Socialisten) and PINK! to see how our left-leaning visions compare.

PJO karaoke
Singing (political) songs together with all kinds of politically engaged youngsters cannot miss during a board year.

Political shoe
During the Sinterklaas period we go out into the streets to ask people whatΒ their political wishes are for the next year. Afterwards we present these wishes to the GroenLinks representatives in the municipal council and/or the provincial council.