blog,news item

We are looking for a new board

24 March 2020

The General Branch Meeting is coming up on June 24!ย A number of new board members will also be elected at this AAV for the next six months. The board takes care of the day-to-day running of the department. They organise the activities, maintain internal and external contacts and ensure that the members can develop as much as possible at DWARS. Once every fortnight there is a board meeting and the other week is usually an activity, so you are involved at least one evening a week.

Experience is not a problem, we are mainly looking for enthusiastic people who would like to contribute to the department. You will quickly get to know the department and the entire organisation better and gain the necessary knowledge.

We are looking for individuals for seven positions:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Promotion and membership recruitment
  • General board member (3 persons)

Job title: Chairman (1 year)

As chairman, you are the face of the section. Namely, you keep in touch with DWARS nationally, other Political Youth Organisations in the region and the members of DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden. You are responsible for ensuring that all tasks are carried out and keep everything orderly within the board.

Job title: Secretary (1 year)

As secretary of DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden, you keep everything running behind the scenes. You are the first contact person for internal communication within the department. You make sure members are informed about what is happening and welcome new members. You do this by keeping the mail up to date, writing newsletters, maintaining the website and taking minutes during board meetings.

Job title: Treasurer (1 year)

As treasurer, you are responsible for the financial situation of the department. You prepare the annual budget, manage the bank account, keep the accounts and ensure that there are enough financial resources to organise activities and set up new campaigns.

Job description: Promotion and Member Recruitment (half-year)

ย As a board member of promotion and membership recruitment, you will bring all activities, events and promotions to the attention of members. You manage the board telephone and are responsible for the department's social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). So you make sure members are aware of the activities and that they get excited about them! At activities for new members and recruitment events, you oversee that people get the right information and get involved in the department.

Job title: General Board member (half-year)

As a general board member, you are a bit of an all-rounder. You help the other board members when and where necessary. So you will be involved in organising activities, but there are opportunities to take on other portfolios as well and thus make a broad contribution to the board.


In addition, we also propose a newย Cash committee member (KasCo)ย to. The CashCo monitors the department's financial policies. They meet twice a year for an informal meeting with pizza! Would you like to become active in the department but do you think governance is too big a task? Do you enjoy dealing with money and do you like maths? Then join the KasCo of DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden.

! Please note this position is for six months only. You can reapply at the next departmental meeting if necessary.


Does this look like fun to you?ย Then send a message to current president Rianne Pfieffers (president.leiden-haaglanden[at]! For general questions about what a position entails, you can also contact the person currently holding the position.ย Applyย can by writing a motivation introducing yourself, relevant experience if you have it and why you would like to be on the board of DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden. You can mail this motivation to chairman.leiden-haaglanden[at] and it will appear in the reader two weeks before the Departmental Meeting. The deadline for applications isย 3 June.

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