news release

Activities in March

08 March 2022

Herewith a new list of this month's activities. Sign up for activities can here.

March 1 | Transcare is jammed
Location and time: Nieuwe Beestenmarkt 32 in Leiden at 19:30.

5 March | Women's March
Location and time: Amsterdam, 14:00 - 15:00.

7 March | Discussion evening PJOs The Hague
Location and time: The Hague, time to follow.

March 9 | In conversation with DWARSe candidates
Location and time: Campaign premises GroenLinks The Hague at 7.30pm

11 March | Discussion evening PJOs Leiden
Location and time: Leiden, time to follow

18 March | Potluck with Rotterdam-Rijnmond
Location and time: 6pm, venue to follow.

25 March | Sign language course
Location and time: to follow.

31 March | International Women's Day: Women in Sport
Location and time: Leiden, time to follow.