news release

Upcoming activities

01 November 2021

Have you become enthusiastic about our department? Then we look forward to seeing you at our next activities. Below is an overview of our activities this month. Would you like more information or to sign up for an activity? That can be done via the agenda.

1 November | Amendment evening GroenLinks Delft
Location and time: Café de Wijnhaven in Delft at 19.30

2 November | Clothing and book exchange
Location: Stationsweg 182 near The Hague HS at 19.30

6 November | The Climate March
Location and time: Amsterdam at 13.00

9 November | Shoebox action
Location and time: New Beestenmarkt 32, Upper Bar at 19.30

14 November | Traveling together to residential resistance
Location and time: The Hague, time to follow.

23 November | General Department meeting
Location and time: Café de Keyzer at 19.00

November 28 | Political Shoeing
Location and time: The Hague, time to follow.