
DWARSers for the States: Niels Goedegebure

14 March 2019

Image can include: 1 person, smiles, sky, cloud, glasses and outside

Young people are incredibly important for the province. That is why we let all DWARSe candidates from GroenLinks Zuid-Holland have their say with an interview! This week, Niels Goedegebure (spot 20) tells something about himself.

Can you introduce yourself?

I am Niels Goedegebure. I am eighteen years old, and studying technical public administration in Delft. This is a study with both a technical and mathematical side, as well as a social side. my bachelor's subject is energy and industry, with a lot of focus on sustainable energy and industry systems. I have lived in Leiden since birth- a great city! From a young age, I have been interested in climate change and the science behind it, and politics came naturally with it. The left has always been natural for me in this regard. So it was a logical step to GroenLinks!

Could you tell something about your history at DWARS?

I joined DWARS through the 2017 school elections! I had made a poster with a group, and we had started campaigning for GroenLinks at our school. As a result, I got in touch with some GroenLinksers and DWARSers. That's also how we ended up at a number of events around the elections. The interest was always there, but then I decided fairly immediately to actually become a member. The "political spark" jumped.

Why did you stand for the PS elections?

I would like to get involved in the campaign, and this is a great opportunity to do so! This way, I represent young people and people who, like me, can vote for the first time.
Perhaps that is the most important group of voters, because climate policy concerns us whether we want it to or not. When people talk about plans for fifty years from now, it sounds very distant. But we, young people, are the very people who will be affected by those plans. That is why it is so important that our future is not determined by people who will hardly experience it themselves. Young people understand the urgency of a tough climate approach better, because we realise that everything we don't do now will be our problem later. In fact, there is already no time for "fifty years from now".

I will also be starting a job and real housing soon. Our generation must not become the generation trapped between high rents and temporary contracts. This increased economic insecurity is a big problem, and it needs to be addressed.

Furthermore, I think it is important that people with a technical education are well represented on the list. Political discussions may sometimes take a back seat at TU, but technical students are incredibly needed for the technology behind the climate transition. From better wind turbines to heating systems without natural gas; sustainable development is desperately needed, and it is moving faster than ever.

What would you do if you were elected to the States?

I would like to use my accumulated knowledge in energy systems for well-functioning, sustainable policies. Furthermore, I would advocate an even stronger focus on public transport. The Randstad conurbation is silting up, and that cannot be solved with more asphalt. That is why not only do we need much more money for public transport, but there are also gains to be made in broader solutions such as coordinating transport between cities. Thereby, good bicycle transport, from bike paths to bicycle parking facilities, is indispensable for accessibility. Only then can travel remain fast and affordable. There should also be stricter rules for affordable housing. Housing is a need, not a speculation.

Do you have a quote or one-liner of your own?

Don't shift sustainability back to the next generation.

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