interviews,news report

Interview with Maurice Knijnenburg #4 GroenLinks Noordwijk

17 November 2018

DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden thinks it is important to get young people into the municipal council. 21 November is the local council elections for the municipality of Noordwijk, and 21-year-old DWARSer Maurice Knijnenburg is standing for GroenLinks in position 4. Today, we help flyers in the new municipality and interview Maurice.


Can you briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Maurice. I study political science in Leiden. My hobbies are skating, playing tennis and doing fun things with friends. In between, I dedicate myself to youth volunteering, and I do an internship in the town hall.

How did you end up at DWARS?

I have actually only been at DWARS since 1 January, which was my New Year's resolution. Only since 11 months, then. GroenLinks's views have always appealed to me. I study political science, so I am quite politically engaged. The municipal elections were coming up and I saw a great opportunity to get something done for the youth in the municipality of Noordwijk.

What will you do when you join the municipal council?

I will work for youth interests. For example, it is unaffordable to live here as a student, so when I leave home I will have to move to another place.

Why should people in Noordwijk vote for you?

I have lived in this place for 18 years, it is fantastic here. I know the place well, I am rooted here. I'm involved in society and actively committed to it. I think it is important to implement future-oriented policies, especially when it comes to climate change. Politicians talk about young people, but not with young people. Young people are generally more idealistic and have a younger outlook, so that is useful in politics anyway. It is important that young people are represented in the municipality. Not only within GroenLinks, but also in other parties. We all have one goal, and that is beautiful municipality.

Today, as DWARS, we will be at the last door-to-door action of the campaign and help the GroenLinks Noordwijk team with flyering! We wish Maurice and the others the best of luck in the municipal elections.

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