blog,news item

DWARSers for the Council: Noah van Meekeren

22 February 2018

DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden thinks it is important to get young people into the city council. That is why we want to interview all DWARSe candidate councillors so that you can get to know them better! Today we interview Noah van Meekeren, number 16 on the candidate list in The Hague.

Briefly introduce yourself

My name is Noah, I am 18 years old and studying law and economics in Leiden. I still live in The Hague, the city in which I was born and grew up.

Why did you decide to run yourself for the municipal council?

I would like to make an active contribution to improving The Hague. The Hague is such a beautiful, diverse city: from the beach to international legal organisations, from music to parliament. What is still missing, however, is being at the forefront of sustainability. This is something I want to change together with young people in The Hague. It is precisely in politics at local level that we can make a tangible difference to our living environment!

Do you have concrete plans for your municipality should you get on the council?

We must act now; our solutions include expanding environmental zones, banning diesel cars by 2025 and reducing the speed limit for cars in the city. Solutions that not only improve air quality, but also benefit entrepreneurs and shopkeepers as well as improve road safety!

Why should we vote for you?

With my broad general knowledge, experience and unbridled commitment, I believe I will be an asset to the Hague City Council!

Why do you think it is important to have young people on the council?

Β The Hague has been attracting more and more young people in recent years. They are the future of our city. We must work with them to find the solutions to the problems in our municipality. Currently, young people have very little affinity with politics, especially local politics. It would be a positive boost if more young people joined our Hague city council!

What is your favourite one-liner?

It is time for change (see DWARS campaign video)

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