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DWARSers for the Council: Gjalt Annega

11 February 2018

DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden thinks it is important to get young people into the city council. That is why we want to interview all DWARSe candidate councillors so that you can get to know them better! Today we interview Gjalt Annega, number 19 on the candidate list in Delft.

Briefly introduce yourself

I am Gjalt, 28 years old and I work at a foundation for sustainability and innovation. At DWARS, I am a trainer at the DWARS Academy. I studied Aerospace Engineering in Delft, but thus made the switch to sustainability and climate for my work.

Why did you decide to run yourself for the municipal council?

Because a lot of change starts at the local level. If you can show there that something works then chances are it will be picked up in other places.

Do you have concrete plans for your municipality should you get on the council?

Delft must become one of the sustainable frontrunners! I want the municipality to entice residents and businesses to take the leap towards climate neutrality in large numbers. This can be done, for example, with taxes (less on houses that use less energy), targeted subsidies and, above all, by an active approach with what is possible. In other words: Nijmegen, Amsterdam and The Hague, eat your heart out, Delft will become the most sustainable municipality in the Netherlands!

Why should we vote for you?

Because I like to inspire and incite people to sustainability and I can also talk about it substantively. From my work, I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge about how we can make the Netherlands sustainable faster, which I would like to be able to put into practice in other ways.

Why do you think it is important to have young people on the council?

Because young people generally have little say in the direction of their own municipality or country. It is precisely by having young people on the council that the voice of those who don't have it or have too little of it is represented. I also think it is easier for young people to keep the long view in it too because they will have to deal with it themselves.

What is your favourite one-liner?

"It always seems impossible, until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

To me, this one-liner shows that you need people who stick their necks out for things that are important but that most people think they can't do. I want to be that kind of person.

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