DWARSers for the Council: Maartje Noordermeer from Alphen aan den Rijn
07 February 2018DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden thinks it is important to get young people into the city council. That is why we want to interview all DWARSe candidate councillors so that you can get to know them better! Today we are interviewing Maartje Noordermeer, number 17 on the candidate list in Alphen aan den Rijn.
Briefly introduce yourself
Why did you decide to run yourself for the municipal council?
I find politics very interesting and when I was asked I said yes straight away. I like being able to mean things for people in all kinds of areas.
Do you have concrete plans for your municipality should you get on the council?
I would like to make the municipality a bit more fun for young people. Think not only about going out, but also trendy places to have lunch or a cup of coffee. In addition, I would like to make it LGBT-friendly. Unfortunately, we do not have a local COC, but I think it would be great to have something like that in Alphen.
Why should we vote for you?
In politics now, you see mostly older people. I think when younger people are voted in, you get a perspective that is newer.
Why do you think it is important to have young people on the council?
What is your favourite one-liner?
Hmm, that's tricky. I still think "We should fight for a gay crossing to have the same rights as a zebra crossing." This has to do with an episode of Sunday with Lubach, in which a source said that a gay crossing (zebra crossing with rainbow stripes) does not have the same rights of a 'regular' zebra crossing.