DWARSers for the Council: Anneke Kraamer from Delft
25 January 2018DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden thinks it is important to get young people into the city council. That is why we want to interview all DWARSe candidate councillors so that you can get to know them better! Today we interview Gjalt Annega, number 19 on the candidate list in Delft.
Briefly introduce yourself
Why did you decide to run yourself for the municipal council?
I think it is important that there are more young people in politics. In Delft this is not a big problem in itself, because there is a specific student party, but as a result there are very few young people in the 'regular' political parties and I find that a pity. Because those parties also need a balanced sound and that is now dominated mainly by people over 40. In addition, a few years ago I was on the board of the Delft Student Union VSSD and there I discovered that it is not at all as difficult as it seems to change policy and that politics can actually be quite fun. Becoming active in politics is the best way to get out of your own bubble and hear other opinions.
Do you have concrete plans for your municipality should you get on the council?
Why should we vote for you?
For a young sound with experience in politics and ambition, not to climb up the political ladder but to also improve local areas as much as possible.
Why do you think it is important to have young people on the council?
What is your favourite one-liner?
What good are bells and whistles if you're not going to make music with them?