news release

DWARSers for the Council: Marleen Schreuder from Leiden

04 January 2018

DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden thinks it is important to get young people into the city council. That is why we want to interview all DWARSe candidate councillors so that you can get to know them better! Today we are interviewing Marleen Schreuder, number 7 on the candidate list in Leiden.

Briefly introduce yourself!

Hello, my name is Marleen Schreuder, I am 25 years old and a master student of European law. Leiden is the city where I was born and raised, still live, study and am now a candidate for the municipal elections in position 7.

Why did you decide to run yourself for the municipal council?

During the campaign for the Lower House elections, I was very active. I did a lot of flyering and door-to-door actions. I then noticed how much I enjoyed talking to people about politics and what GroenLinks could do for them. I have always done a lot of (volunteer) work on very diverse topics. I also combined my bachelor's degree in law with a minor in sustainable development. I realised that my knowledge, experience and enthusiasm fit well with what is expected of you as a city councillor. Nothing seems more beautiful and honourable to me now!

Do you have concrete plans for your municipality should you get on the council?

When I join the council, I am naturally part of a team, the group. All our ideas, including mine, are bundled in the party programme. A nice concrete idea to mention is our goal regarding solar panels. We want to install one for every resident of Leiden. That's 125,000!

Why should we vote for you?

It is not my style to ask for a vote specifically for me. Within a party, you don't really have any competition because in the end it's about our common ideals. Nevertheless, I am of course an individual with my own individual characteristics. I am young, female, feminist and a big fan of Rosa Luxemburg. I also really like the film Legally Blonde, thrift shopping and organising (vegan) dinners. Should these be characteristics you like to see in a councillor, you have come to the right place!

Why do you think it is important to have young people on the council?

I think it is particularly important to have young people on the council because young people are the future. We and our children will get and have to take the big hit when it comes to climate change. Necessity makes us more creative, bolder and more ambitious. The plush could use some more of that!

What is your favourite one-liner?

Everything you give attention to grows.

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