The power of the 'no'
08 March 2017On this International Women's Day, women all over the world take to the streets to claim their rights. I will be walking along myself in Istanbul, where women's and LGBT+ rights have been under intense attack recently. This year's theme is 'No'. A no to oppression, abuse and rights violations. But alongside this strong no, there is also a yes. A yes in favour of more freedom, self-determination, safety and power.
We may not always think about it in our country, but the battle of feminism is still not over. When LGBT+ rights organisations are banned or activists are threatened with death in a country like Turkey, it concerns us in the Netherlands too. When Trump stops funding women's clinics, it is an attack on all women who want to be able to have control over their own bodies and health. When, in the Dutch parliament, only 40% of MPs are female, we are not inspiring young girls enough to make their voices heard.
We can be saddened by the current state of affairs, but we can also demand change in our society. Say no to discrimination. Make others aware of contemporary sexism, demand equal pay for equal work and inspire women in your own community. Stand up for women's rights all other days of the year too. Because standing still will get us nowhere. That is why I am walking with you in The Women's March today. And I will keep shouting 'no' until the situation of women will be equal to that of men, worldwide.