
Do you want to become active at DWARS? On this page you will find all vacancies currently open. At the top of the page you will find an overview of the vacancies and by scrolling down you will find more information on what the position entails and how to apply.

Diversity contributes to the strength of an organisation. DWARS therefore encourages everyone* to respond to our vacancies. Are you curious about which positions would suit you? Or do you have questions about a specific position? The Search Committee would be happy to discuss them with you. You can reach them via

* By everyone, we mean people of all genders, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, work and education types, and with or without disabilities. Nor do your sexual orientation or religion matter.

Open vacancies

Summer Congress

  • Chairman National Board
  • Secretary National Board
  • Treasurer National Board
  • General Board member National Board
  • Member Advisory Board
  • Editor-in-chief OverDWARS

Organisational committees and bodies

  • Trainer DWARS Academy
  • DIRT member
  • Member Demonstration Committee
  • Lid Internationale Activiteitencommissie

Content committees

  • Secretary Nature, Space & Environment
  • Secretary Arts, Culture & Media
  • President Privacy & Technology
  • President Energy, Sustainability and Mobility
  • Secretary Energy, Sustainability and Mobility
  • Secretary Economy
  • Chairman Care & Wellness
  • Secretary Care & Welfare
  • Chairman Education

National board

The vacancies for the National Board are open! Apply for the positions before 1 March and become the board of DWARS in the lustrum year 25/26!

See the vacancies here

Advisory Board

The vacancy for the Advisory Board is open! Apply for the position before 1 April and who knows, maybe you will get to advise the board next year.

View the vacancy here

Editor-in-chief OverDWARS

The vacancy for editor-in-chief of OverDWARS is open! Apply for the position before 1 April and you might be the next editor-in-chief of our beautiful membership magazine!

View the vacancy here

DIRT member

🇳🇱Nederlands onderaan🇳🇱

DIRT is the committee responsible for representing DWARS at international conferences and events. The team coordinates which members attend international events (this will normally be the presidency), such as those organised by the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG). In addition to sending delegates to events, DIRT also prepares political content, such as drafting resolutions and amendments for international discussions.


DIRT is the committee responsible for representing DWARS at international conferences and events. The team coordinates which members participate in international events (this will normally be the Presidium), such as those organised by the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG). Besides sending delegates to events, DIRT also helps with political preparation, such as drafting resolutions and amendments for international discussions.

Check the vacancy here

Trainer DWARS Academy

The DWARS Academy is a group of DWARSers who provide training to other DWARSers. These include trainings on debating, working in a team, organising activities, campaigning or activism. The Academy develops its trainings itself, and is also a place where trainers can further develop their own skills.

View the vacancy here

Member Demonstration Committee

The Demonstration Committee is looking for a new member.

This committee was set up six months ago and supports the National Board around activism. In the coming year, we also want to play a role in organising actions ourselves.

View the vacancy here

Lid Internationale Activiteitencommissie

De Internationale Activiteitencommissie is op zoek naar een lid. Wil jij samen met je team vorm geven aan de internationale reizen van DWARS, zoals de Lange Reis? Lees dan verder.

View the vacancy here

Content committees

Secretary Nature, Space & Environment

The committee talks about issues related to nature, environment & agriculture. For example, they deal with current affairs. We also learn more together about topics such as the nitrogen crisis, spatial planning, nature policy and talk about the DWARSe positions. We also sometimes organise activities. Before the meetings, we eat together at DWARS's expense. Travel expenses to the meeting can be claimed. Apply no later than 15 February 2025. 

View the vacancy for secretary of the Nature, Space & Environment Committee here

Chairman Care & Welfare Committee

The committee talks about issues around care and welfare such as major staff shortages, drug policy and abortion. There is also a meeting once every 2 weeks where we discuss these topics and talk about the DWARSe positions. The president chairs the meetings and makes the agenda together with the secretary. Apply no later than 15 February 2025. 

View the vacancy for chairman of the Care & Welfare Committee here 

Secretary Care & Welfare Committee

The committee discusses issues around care and welfare such as major staff shortages, drug policy and abortion. The committee meets once every two weeks where these topics and the DWARSe positions are discussed. The secretary takes minutes of the meetings and prepares the agenda together with the chairman. Apply no later than 15 February 2025.

View the vacancy for secretary care and welfare here

Chairman Privacy & Technology 

The privacy and technology committee discusses topics such as e-waste, privacy legislation and digitisation. The chairman chairs the meetings and prepares the agenda together with the secretary. Apply no later than 15 February 2025.

View the vacancy for chair of the privacy & technology committee here



Chairman Energy, Sustainability & Mobility 

The Energy, Sustainability and Mobility Committee talks about the world of tomorrow. They deal with current affairs and topics such as public transport and nitrogen. The chairman makes the agenda and ldeits the meetings. The chairman also enthuses the committee members and is the contact point for new members. Apply no later than 28 February 2025. 

View the vacancy for President Energy, Sustainability & Mobility here

Secretary Energy, Sustainability & Mobility

The Energy, Sustainability and Mobility Committee talks about the world of tomorrow. For example, we deal with current affairs and you learn about issues such as public transport and nitrogen. We also sometimes organise activities on different topics. The secretary takes minutes of the meetings. The secretary also helps the chairman to organise activities and lead the committee. Apply no later than 15 February 2025.

View the vacancy for secretary of the Energy, Sustainability & Mobility Committee here

Secretary Economy 

The economy committee discusses all topics related to the economy. Zou is concerned with current affairs and how we can design our economy to contribute positively to a green and social world. The secretary takes the minutes and supports the chairman 15 February 2025. 

View the vacancy for secretary of the Economy Committee here

Secretary Arts, Culture & Media 

The Arts, Culture & Media committee discusses topics such as the 21% VAT on culture and books, as well as attending cultural activities. Everything from music to poetry passes by the committee. As secretary, you take minutes during the meetings and help the chair with the agenda. Apply for 15 February 2025.

view the vacancy for secretary of the arts, culture & media committee here

Chairman Education

The education committee discusses topics such as the teacher shortage, cuts in (higher) education, unpaid (MBO) internships and current issues. The chairman chairs the meetings and prepares the agenda together with the secretary. Apply for 15 February 2025. 

View the vacancy for chairman of the education committee here