News items,Politics

Review DWARS at GroenLinks congress!

06 February 2023

Last Saturday was the GroenLinks congress at the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch. Of course, DWARS was also present there. Time for a little look back at DWARS at the GroenLinks congress!

Like last year, DWARS filed motions at the congress. Two, in fact. The first motion was called 'More Young People in Rural Politics'. This motion was championed by Deniz and aimed at getting GroenLinks to more actively recruit and educate young GroenLinks members. Young people also deserve a place in politics and GroenLinks should support this. The motion passed with 94.9%!

The second motion was called 'More Young People in Rural Politics'. This motion was championed by Anne and aimed to have at least one candidate under 30 on every election list. This would also give young people a chance to stand as candidates for the Senate, for example. This motion was also passed, with 74.4%!

Towards the end of the congress came another DWARS moment. Indeed, it is customary for the chairman of DWARS to give a short speech at the GroenLinks congress. This was, of course, also the case this year. Iris gave a speech in which she talked about what it is like to be young now and our future. Want to listen back to the speech? You can do so on our Instagram!

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