News releases,Press releases,Association

Results Member consultation on left-wing cooperation DWARS

21 November 2024

The time has come: the results of the member consultation on left-wing cooperation are here. For the past two weeks, every member could cast their vote on 23 questions on left-wing cooperation via email. The questions and statements were about cooperation between GroenLinks, Labour Party (PvdA) and other parties. They also dealt with cooperation between DWARS and cooperation with the PvdA's political youth organisation, the Young Socialists (JS). With these results, we have sharpened the picture we got at last year's member consultation and can make clear to GroenLinks what DWARS is and is not in favour of. These results also give the board a direction for cooperation with the JS. 

DWARS uses member consultation to shape the national board's attitude towards GroenLinks. DWARS can also use it to advise on member referendums and motions at GroenLinks, to properly represent the views of DWARSers. A total of 306 completed the full questionnaire.

In addition to this questionnaire, we also used public participation evenings. We ended up holding three public participation evenings, in Rotterdam, Utrecht and online. We were also able to incorporate much of the input we gathered from the public participation evenings into the questionnaire. 

Below are the results of the questions and statements. Please note that some questions were open-ended. These have not been included in the statistics as this is not possible. As a result of the member consultation, both the participation evenings and the questionnaire, the board will table topical motions at the congress to establish DWARS's position towards GroenLinks on left-wing cooperation. 

Question 1: Are you satisfied with the current cooperation between GroenLinks and Labour Party?

Total: 331

Very satisfied - 96 (29%)
Somewhat satisfied - 123 (37%)
Neutral - 27 (8%)
A little dissatisfied - 42 (13%)
Very dissatisfied - 35 (11%)
Don't know - 8 (2%)

Question 2: Why are you or are you not satisfied with the current cooperation between GroenLinks and Labour Party?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

Question 3: Do you think the cooperation between GroenLinks and Labour Party should intensify, become less intensive or stay as it is?

Total: 320

More intensive - 194 (61%)
Less intensive - 49 (15%)
Stay as it is - 55 (17%)
Don't know - 22 (7%)

Question 4: Would you like to see GroenLinks involve other parties in a left-wing collaboration?

Total: 319

Yes, a left-wing collaboration between GroenLinks and Labour Party and (an) other party(ies) - 166 (52%)
Yes, a left-wing cooperation between GroenLinks and other party(ies) without Labour Party- 21 (7%)
No - 90 (28%)
Don't know - 42 (13%)

Question 5: If you answered yes to the previous question, tick which party or parties you would like to see involved in left-wing cooperation?

Total: 319 

Party for the Animals - 166 (52%)
Socialist Party - 103 (32%)
Volt - 86 (27%)
AT1 - 88 (28%)
D66 - 62 (19%)
Christian Union - 15 (5%)
Otherwise - 6 (2%)
Don't know - 16 (5%)

*The percentages add up to more than 100% here because this was a multiple-choice question. 

Question 6: What would you like this collaboration to look like? 

Total: 319

Ballot agreement - 152 (48%)
Negotiating as one block in formation - 149 (47%)
Merger - 102 (32%)
Joint election programme - 81 (25%)
Not - 17 (5%)
Otherwise - 11 (3%)
Don't know - 12 (4%)

*The percentages add up to more than 100% here because this was a multiple-choice question. 

Question 7: Are you in favour of GroenLinks and Labour Party merging into a new left-progressive party?

Total: 319

Yes - 193 (61%)
No - 93 (29%)
Don't know - 32 (10%)

Question 8: How should the new party organise itself in the European Parliament?

Total: 315

Represented in both (Green and Social Democratic) groups - 132 (42%)
Represented in green group only - 94 (30%)
Represented in Social Democrat group only - 44 (14%)
Commitment to a new European group - 17 (5%)
Don't know - 27 (9%)

Question 9: In your opinion, how heavily does the choice about the European group and family weigh in the cooperation between GroenLinks and Labour Party? 

On a scale between 1 to 5, where 1 is not heavy, 3 is neutral and 5 is heavy.

Total: 315

Not heavy - 69 (22%)
A little not heavy - 86 (27%)
Neutral - 80 (25%)
A bit heavy - 57 (18%)
Heavy - 23 (7%)

Question 10: Are there certain conditions, e.g. political or organisational, that play a role for you in the cooperation between GroenLinks and other parties?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

Question 11: Would you like to comment on the previous questions (on left-wing cooperation)?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

Question 12: What cooperation would you like to see between GroenLinks and Labour Party in the 2026 municipal elections?

Total: 315

Joint electoral list and group merger in as many municipalities as possible - 141 (45%)
Fine if there is a joint list or merger in some municipalities and not in others - 133 (42%)
Joint list and/or merger in as few municipalities as possible - 27 (9%)
Don't know - 10 (3%)

Question 13: Would you like to comment on the previous questions (about the municipal elections)?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

Question 14: Are you satisfied with the current cooperation between DWARS and the Young Socialists (the JS is the political youth organisation of the Labour Party)?

Total: 311

Very satisfied - 35 (11%)
Somewhat satisfied - 42 (14%)
Neutral - 45 (15%)
A little dissatisfied - 38 (12%)
Very dissatisfied - 18 (6%)
Don't know - 132 (42%)

Question 15: Why are you or are you not satisfied with the current cooperation between DWARS and the JS?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

Question 16: With which political youth organisation (PJO) should DWARS seek more cooperation?

Total: 308

JS - 162 (53%)
PINK - 187 (61%)
RADICAL - 88 (29%)
Socialist Youth - 95 (31%)
Violet - 98 (32%)
JD - 88 (29%)
PerspectieF - 33 (11%)
CDJA - 17 (6%)
None of these PJOs - 15 (5%)
Another PJO - 18 (6%)
Don't know - 44 (14%)

*The percentages add up to more than 100% here because this was a multiple-choice question. 

Question 17: In case GroenLinks and the Labour Party merge, there can also be only one political youth organisation of this new party. If we did not merge, DWARS would continue independently and lose 70% from its income. Suppose GroenLinks and PvdA merge, are you in favour of a merger between DWARS and the JS?

Total: 309

Yes - 242 (78%)
No - 34 (11%)
Don't know - 33 (11%)

Question 18: How should the possible new youth organisation organise itself in a European context?

Total: 308

Joining both umbrella organisations - 156 (51%)
Joining FYEG (Young European Greens) - 77 (25%)
Joining YES (Young European Socialists) - 17 (6%)
Commit to a new umbrella organisation - 14 (5%)
Don't know - 44 (14%)

Question 19: How heavily does the choice regarding the European umbrella organisation weigh for you in your opinion on the cooperation between DWARS and the JS? 

On a scale between 1 to 5, where 1 is not heavy, 3 is neutral and 5 is heavy.

Total: 309

Not heavy - 146 (47%)
A little not heavy - 49 (16%)
Neutral - 66 (21%)
A bit heavy - 28 (9%)
Heavy - 20 (7%)

Question 20: Are there other conditions, e.g. political or organisational, that play a role for you in the possible cooperation between DWARS and the JS?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

Question 21: In the event of a merger between DWARS and the JS, are there things the board should pay extra attention to in the process?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

Question 22: Would you like to comment on the previous questions (about DWARS and the JS)?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

Question 23: Anything you would like to say about the entire questionnaire?

This was an open-ended question and therefore no figures are available. 

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