Response to member referendum European elections
01 December 2023Time for joint European politics - a response from the DWARS board to the GroenLinks and Labour Party member referendum on the European elections.
DWARS welcomes the fact that the party boards have called a referendum on the European elections. It is important that members are properly included in this. A social and green people's party needs European support among its members, of course. We currently have nine seats together and it will be a big job to maintain that together in the coming campaign.
We do regret that the referendum did not opt for a question on a joint European group. If members answer 'yes' to the referendum question, after the elections, GroenLinks MEPs will join the Greens and Labour MPs will join the S&D. Holding each other alone in the election, only to move on again in separate European families, makes an often already difficult election even more difficult for voters to understand. It also makes it easier for other parties to attack GroenLinks-PvdA cooperation in the campaign. Furthermore, this may cause disappointment to voters who do not follow European politics as closely. We regret this.
DWARS is convinced that the Green European family is closest to GroenLinks-PvdA when it comes to migration, action on climate change, and the fight against social inequality across Europe. The European Greens are even more idealistic on these issues. DWARS therefore calls for a joint list as well as a joint political group after the elections, to really solve the problems at play across Europe. We call on all future group members to join the Green Group, should the members answer 'yes' to the referendum question, and also call on GroenLinks and the Labour Party to explore how to achieve a joint group in the European Parliament in the coming years.
Rick Timmermans, chairman DWARS: "DWARS is in favour of more left-wing cooperation, including at European level. But that cooperation must be done in the right way and must be able to tackle the problems in Europe in the right way. A joint list should also lead to a joint group, as far as we are concerned with the European Greens. Until then, GroenLinks-PvdA should explore how to work well together in a European context for a strong united left sound."