Register now for the Summer Congress!
21 April 2019Registrations for the Summer Congress are open!
At our Summer Congress, we will discuss our positions and our organisation, vote on motions and proposed amendments, and elect a new board! Moreover, there will be interesting speakers, to be announced later.
This year's Summer Congress will take place on 15 and 16 June at Rebelle, Maastricht!
A DWARS congress is the ideal opportunity to see your DWARSe friends together, listen to interesting speakers and influence the ins and outs of DWARS. During this congress, the current board will present the annual report and financial balance for the year 2018, and a new National Board will be elected, as well as an editor-in-chief of AboutDWARS, a new Search Committee and members for the Advisory Board. You can register for the conference here until 6 June. PLEASE NOTE: Would you also like to stay overnight? Then you can register only until 1 June.
- Note: There is an option this Summer Congress to stay overnight for two nights (from Friday to Sunday). This option is given for members with long travel times who otherwise cannot reach the congress on time on Saturday morning. The number of beds for this is therefore limited.
More information about the congress will be sent in the invitations and in the congress reader, which you will receive by e-mail.
20 May: Submit proposed amendments to the Internal Rules (HR) and the Statutes. Submissions can here.
20 May: Submit proposed amendments to the Political Programme (PP). Submissions can here.
- Note: Especially themes that this year yet to appear in politics are relevant to this congress. Indeed, in early 2020, a programme congress is scheduled where a new Political Programme will be presented by the programme committee. Submitters are advised to keep their amendment proposals to a minimum and instead provide input during the programme committee's input moments, or a email send.
15 June 18:00: Submission of motions. Submissions can here.
The congress reader, including all amendments submitted up to that point, is sent to all members by invitation two to three weeks before the congress and is updated online. The form to submit amendments to the proposed amendments will then be posted on this page.