
Privacy & Technology Committee

Sacha Gallas

Privacy & Technology

Committee chairman: Sacha Gallas,

Committee secretary: Would you like to help out? Then check out the vacancies page!

Responsible board member: Soesha Sandker,

What does the Privacy & Technology Committee do?

Privacy is something every person needs to be able to be himself or herself in peace. Nowadays, however, our privacy is increasingly threatened by governments and companies using the latest technology. What should we do against this? Are there privacy-friendly alternatives? And who should take action: the citizen or the government? These are questions the Privacy & Technology Committee is addressing.

Technology is also a political issue. Can the government make sweeping decisions about citizens with incomprehensible algorithms? What are the effects of digitalisation on society? Should we want to improve people with biotechnology?

The Privacy & Technology Committee deals with these issues in many ways. For example, by discussing within the committee, organising an activity or writing an article.

What can you contribute to the committee?

The Privacy & Technology Committee is for anyone with an interest in privacy and technology. The committee is a place to learn together and learn from each other. So you certainly don't need to be an expert to help out.

Would you like to join a meeting, just come and have a look or have a question? If so, please send an email to


No meetings are currently scheduled.