DWARS in the media,News items,Politics

Minne in the media on nitrogen and environment

16 August 2024

On Wednesday 14 August, Minne joined the Radio 1 programme the News BV. In the series 'Haagse Nieuwe', Minne sat down with political reporter Ilse Brandemann to discuss nitrogen, young farmers and the importance of future-proof agriculture. You can watch the conversation here look back or here listen back. 

The conversation was about the impact of nitrogen on our environment and how politicians are handling this discussion. It also discussed the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB), which is always portrayed as a party that stands up for farmers, but actually mainly represents the interests of large-scale agribusiness. They actually keep farmers in limbo for far too long, and therefore do not offer young farmers a future.

Minne talked about the DWARSe vision of agriculture, namely as follows nature-inclusive possible. Nature-inclusive agriculture means that the quality of resources (soil, water and landscape) is central to production. This ensures that agriculture is sustainable in the long term and that you do not deplete nature for maximum profit. It is also important that farmers are paid well for the products they produce and are not dependent on the strangulation contracts of big supermarkets.

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