Manifesto: Exclude the PVV!
13 December 2023The election result, in which the PVV became the largest party, has major consequences for vulnerable people in our society. PVV's discriminatory ideology has no place in the cabinet. DWARS, the JS, PINK! and Violet are jointly calling on parties not to form with the PVV.
Normally, the party that has become the largest in the elections takes the lead in the formation of a new cabinet. In the recent election results, however, a party with a long history of racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic views and statements became the largest: the PVV. Such a party does not belong in the cabinet as far as we are concerned.
DWARS, the JS, PINK! and Violet call on all parties to form a cabinet of parties that respect the Constitution and our democratic rule of law. Who are serious about tackling the challenges currently facing the Netherlands, including at the European level. The housing crisis, climate crisis, great inequality in society, problems in (youth) care and increasing intolerance call for ambitious and just policies. Not for a party that repeatedly shifts the blame onto vulnerable people society. There is no room in the Netherlands for Muslim hatred, queer hatred and racism. We demand that politicians stand firm on that.
Parties clearly expressed their objections to the PVV's anti-rights and discriminatory statements and proposals during the campaign. Which they now have again in their election manifesto. It is up to us, the young generation, to remind these parties of this. There is no place for hatred and intolerance in the Netherlands. Parties, put your words into action and form a cabinet that respects the rule of law and protects marginalised groups. Form a cabinet without the PVV.