
Mail campaign: Ban on conversion therapy

19 February 2025

Tonight (19-02), the Lower House will discuss the bill to ban conversion therapy. Although the CDA and NSC were initially going to support this bill, these parties now suddenly appear to want to vote against it, leaving no majority. This cannot happen! That is why we are setting up this mail campaign today to tell CDA and NSC why they should vote in favour.


Mail for Derk Boswijk (CDA):

Topic: Debate on ban on conversion therapy
Email: d.boswijk@tweedekamer.nl
Dear Mr Boswijk,
As you know, tonight the House of Representatives is debating the proposal by several members on criminalising acts aimed at changing or suppressing sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. From the media we heard That your party, the CDA, intends to vote against this amendment.
This is striking and worrying. Your party previously signed COC Netherlands' Rainbow Ballot Agreement which included banning 'lhbti+ healing', among other things. Your party even included this in its election manifesto.
Your party says it does oppose conversion therapy, but wants to wait for the bill against psychological violence. The current proposal is already far too late. Wanting to wait for another bill will only delay the ban more. Conversion therapy is very harmful to the people who are subjected to it, often involuntarily. These people need your support. We ask you to support COC Netherlands' appeal and motion, so that these people are no longer forced to experience this harmful form of fake healing.

Mail for Jesse Six Dijkstra (NSC):

Topic: Debate on ban on conversion therapy
Email: j.sixdijkstra@tweedekamer.nl

Dear Mr Six Dijkstra,
As you know, tonight the House of Representatives is debating the proposal by several members on criminalising acts aimed at changing or suppressing sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. From the media we heard That your party, NSC, intends to vote against this amendment.
This is very worrying. Your party expresses fear that this proposal will ensure that this affects the freedom of social workers. As I am sure has not escaped your notice, experts and the profession speak of a clear misconception. This initiative is about a ban on forcing people to be 'just' men or women.
Your party says it does oppose conversion therapy, but wants to wait for the bill against psychological violence. The current proposal is already far too late. Wanting to wait for another bill will only delay the ban more. Conversion therapy is very harmful to the people who are subjected to it, often involuntarily. These people need your support. We ask you to support COC Netherlands' appeal and motion, so that these people are no longer forced to experience this harmful form of fake healing.

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Mail campaign: Ban on conversion therapy

19 February 2025

Mail campaign: Ban on conversion therapy

19 February 2025

Mail campaign: Ban on conversion therapy

19 February 2025