Kauthar, Lyle and Eva for MP: voting recommendation DWARS list referendum
11 September 2023On Friday, the candidates' committee announced their proposal for the joint GroenLinks/PvdA list. That list also includes a number of DWARSers. Now that GroenLinks members can vote on the order of the GroenLinks list, DWARS recommends voting up candidates Kauthar Bouchallikht, Lyle Muns and Eva de Bruijn in the online list referendum!
DWARS believes that young people deserve a place in politics. Not only to ensure that young people feel heard and seen. But mainly because young people have an indispensable perspective on climate, livelihoods and inclusiveness. Their outlook, with a leg up on the present and a direct stake in what the Netherlands will look like in the future, is indispensable. Moreover, in an election where it is vital that GroenLinks and PvdA hear the voices of young people, it is extra important that young people also get a place on the list that gives them the opportunity to shape the Netherlands of the future.
Therefore, if you are a member of GroenLinks, DWARS recommends the following DWARSe candidates maximal to put in your list in the list referendum: Kauthar Bouchallikht, Lyle Muns and Eva de Bruijn.* You can vote from today (Monday 11 September) to Tuesday 19 September. You can do so by emailing Katinka Eikelenboom online via the list referendum tool. For questions, see this website.
Be sure to share this call with your GroenLinks circle!
Hi, my name is Kauthar Bouchallikht. Based on intersectional activism, I entered the House of Representatives two years ago for GroenLinks and since then I have been working on better and more accessible public transport, digital security, Kingdom Relations, clean air, equality for MBO graduates and tackling polluting industries like Tate Steel. I believe politics belongs to all of us and that everyone can and should be involved in their own way. It is all important. The climate crisis is not letting up and is exacerbating already existing inequalities, we need to do this together. For hope over hate, from the Chamber to the streets.
I am Lyle Muns. For over 15 years, I have been fighting for the position of young people in the Netherlands. As president of the Vlaamse Scholierenkoepel, DWARS and the Landelijke Studentenvakbond, I campaigned for equal opportunities in education and affordable housing for all. I combined my activism and ideals with achieving concrete results for us young people in The Hague.
Also, I have a warm heart for groups under oppression and do not shy away from the difficult issues. From my own personal experience and my time in activism, I know how important it is to give a voice to groups whose voices are still not heard enough. I am therefore committed every day to the rights of LGBTQ+ people and sex workers and the sexual and reproductive rights of young people in the Netherlands and worldwide.
My name is Eva de Bruijn, I am 27 years old and live in Eindhoven. I am group chair for GroenLinks in Eindhoven and a social designer.
It is time for innovative and creative politics in The Hague. In recent years, I spoke to many people who would like to be involved but do not feel heard by the old politics. The refugee who desperately wants to work, the young person with mental problems or the student full of ideas for fair housing. In addition, data and digital technology is having an increasing impact on our lives.
As a social designer, I bring people together and make sure everyone has a voice in designing creative solutions to social issues. I want to do the same in the Lower House. In order to work together towards a society where everyone can participate, we stop the climate crisis and where digitalisation works for people.
* GroenLinks members can vote only for the GroenLinks part of the list, Labour Party members only for the Labour Party part. The voting procedure works as follows: for each spot (or position) on the list, there is a kind of mini-referendum. The candidate who, after instant runoff voting, earns a majority, gets that spot on the list. Suppose the candidate you wanted on that position does not get a majority for that position, the votes still count for the next highest position your candidate qualifies for. So if you want people higher on the list, it is best to give them the highest possible position in your order for the list referendum.