Get involved!

DWARS, GroenLinkse Youth is the independent youth organisation of GroenLinks. On this page, you will find everything about what you can do at DWARS! We'll tell you a bit about what we organise for new members, as well as what else you can do at DWARS. We are a big association, and there is a lot to choose from.

Not a member yet? Then you can sign up here!

Are you a new member?

We want to make sure you feel at home at DWARS as soon as possible! This is why we organise various activities and training programmes to familiarise you with DWARS. Keep an eye on our website, newsletter and social media for when these activities take place. You can also contact the board if you have any questions. Check this page for contact details.

New members' evening

Once in a while, we organise a new-member evening. Are you a new member? Or have been for some time but don't really know how to become active? Then come to this new member night! Here you will get information about what you can do at DWARS and have the chance to meet other new members. Click here for more information and to sign up.

What all can you do at DWARS?

At DWARS, there are many opportunities to develop yourself. You can join a committee to work on political issues and develop organisationally. There are also opportunities to become active in your neighbourhood. Below is an overview of what is possible.

You can also take a look at our jobs page. Vacancies are regularly released for positions at DWARS. For most positions, you do not need to have much experience. We especially like it if you are enthusiastic and then we can teach you the qualities needed for the position.

Not sure what would be a good place for you? Do you need advice or someone to think with you about what would suit you? You can always send an e-mail to the search committee via! They are happy to think with you.



To ensure that all members can become active at DWARS in an accessible way, DWARS has local chapters. The chapters deal with the DWARSe ideals at the local level and organise fun and educational activities in your neighbourhood! The chapters pay close attention to local politics and they organise actions around issues that are relevant in their region. You can meet the members of DWARS here and get involved in local issues.

See which departments are here



DWARS has several content committees, which meet every two to three weeks. At the meetings, substantive discussions are held, but opinion pieces are also written or activities organised. Committees deal with all kinds of topics; so there is always a committee that suits you!

Check out the overview of our content committees.


DWARS also has organisational committees. They all do different things for the association. Unlike our substantive committees, the main focus is on organising events, trainings or actions.

Check out the overview of organisational committees.


AboutDWARS is DWARS's critical independent online membership magazine, GroenLinkse Youth. Besides interviews, opinion pieces and other serious articles, we aim to provide space for light-hearted content. We do all this with our diverse editorial team, regular writers and submissions. We are always looking for new people and great ideas.

See what you can do at OverDWARS here

Safe atmosphere

At DWARS, we believe it is important for everyone to feel welcome and safe. Therefore, we have established a code of conduct, which applies to all of DWARS's activities and app groups.

You can read the code of conduct here

Stay tuned!