Become a member

Do you also want to work for a green, liberal and social world? Then get active at DWARS!

For only 10 euros a year, you can become a member and discuss national positions in the committees, get involved in regional politics in the departments, party at the annual gala, help decide on the direction of the association during the congresses and much more! If you would like to pay more contribution, you can do so via our donation page.

Want to know more about what you can do at DWARS?
Then click here for more information. 

Fill in the form below and become a member now!
You will receive a welcome email/package from us and you can immediately become active at DWARS!

Want to support DWARS but don't want to become a member?
Then become a donor to DWARS! For example, this is an option if you want to help us financially once, but can also be done if you have become too old for DWARS or if you want to pay more dues to DWARS.