
DWARS is a member of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG). FYEG is a European umbrella organisation of political youth organisations and youth branches of non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

FYEG organises seminars, actions, international activities, and publishes articles and press releases. In addition, FYEG has about ten active working groups. An overview of FYEG's activities and working groups can be found at its website. In addition, FYEG uses a Discord server where you can meet international young greens. Topics from (international) politics to vegan food come up there! You can here participate in the Discord server. Do you have questions about FYEG? Then ask your question to Soesha, the board member for international politics, at

In addition to FYEG, DWARS is also a member of the Global Young Greens (GYG), the umbrella organisation of all young green global citizens. They too are setting up working groups and occasionally organise conferences. For more information here.