
Committee on Energy, Sustainability & Mobility

Nathan de Pater


Committee on Energy, Sustainability and Mobility

Oscar Lawson

Energy, sustainability and mobility

Committee chairman: Nathan de Pater,

Committee secretary: Oscar Lawson,

Responsible board member: Soesha Sandker, 

Next meetings:
  • Tuesday 25 February
  • Tuesday 11 March

We schedule new meeting dates during the meetings. If you cannot attend a meeting but would like to join us? Send Nathan an email and he will see if we can arrange something.

We meet every fortnight on Tuesday evenings, usually on location at the premises in Utrecht. Would you like to join us? If so, please let Nathan know.

What does the committee deal with?

The Energy, Sustainability and Mobility Committee deals with the issues of our time. How do we make the energy transition? What options are there to get from A to B without harming the environment? What should we do to still meet the goals of the Paris Agreement? These are just some of the questions on our minds. By brainstorming on these points, organising information evenings and writing opinion articles, we try to make DWARS's course on these topics clearer and, if necessary, sharpen it.

What can you do at the committee?

We are always looking for politically interested young people who would like to contribute to our discussions, brainstorms and surveys. Theoretical knowledge of the topics is not required, so please come and contribute if you are interested! Not a member of DWARS? Then you are also welcome to join us once.

During the meetings, there is plenty of room to improve your own discussion skills and form your own views on the issue being discussed. Outside the meetings, you can make contact with interesting companies, bodies or individuals for excursions, lectures or theme nights.

What are we doing now?

Over the past year, the committee has been busy writing a small booklet containing sustainable tips for students. Currently, in addition to covering current affairs, we are working a lot on the topics of green growth and degrowth. We will explore what concrete steps we can take to create a sustainable and liveable world. There will also be plenty of room for your own input, so come and join us!