International,News items,Politics

Elise at European Green Party congress in Copenhagen!

08 December 2022

Last weekend was the European Green Party congress in Copenhagen. Elise was with the Green Left delegation on behalf of DWARS. She wrote a short report about it!


I attended the European Green Party (EGP) congress in Copenhagen on behalf of DWARS. The European Green Party is a European political party whose members are national parties committed to green values. The party works with the Greens/European Free Alliance (EFTA) in the European Parliament.

GroenLinks is a member of the European Green Party. Every five years, there is a big congress where all kinds of European green parties come together to talk about current issues, what is going on in the European Parliament and also vote on resolutions. These are positions.

This year's sixth congress was in Copenhagen from 2 to 4 December. I was part of the GroenLinks delegation led by GroenLinks's international secretary Gebke. On Friday, I attended a partial session on online hate and disinformation on social media platforms, led by our MEP Kim van Sparrentak. Here, ministers from Finland and Austria were also part of the panel discussion. I found this a very impressive sub-session because it is a very personal topic that is also very political at the same time. Furthermore, the photo exhibition 'My Body My Choice' was opened on Friday.

On Saturday, there was a big panel discussion on green and social solutions to the energy crises, including with MEPs. In the afternoon, I was to a parallel session on young people in politics. In the evening, there was another session on taxation. In the evening, there was a nice farewell dinner. Finally, there was voting on Sunday.

I met many people from other political youth organisations, such as écolo J (French-speaking Belgians), Jong Groen (Dutch-speaking Belgians), Déi Jonk Gréng (Luxembourg) and our umbrella organisation FYEG (Federation of Young European Greens). This was still the most fun of this weekend: meeting other people who are committed to green, social and inclusive ideas.

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