News items,Politics

DWARS supports message Humane Reception for All

22 May 2023

Last summer, asylum seekers in Ter Apel slept outside because there was no room for them inside. It looks like this will soon be the case again. We must not let this happen.

The Netherlands is not in an asylum crisis. The government has cut back heavily on asylum policy in recent years, creating situations like this. We cannot accept that due to government mismanagement, people have to sleep outside for a second year in a row. The government must work on long-term plans that prevent this.

In protest against this, several organisations themselves slept in tents outside Ter Apel last Wednesday. The message is clear: 'We call on the government: fix this! Show that you are working on real solutions for people looking for a future. Both the national government and local authorities must take their responsibility and ensure humane reception and procedures for all asylum seekers.'

Want to read more about the action or sign it yourself? You can here.

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