DWARS at Paris climate summit
12 December 2015Yesterday, the long-awaited climate agreement was concluded in Paris. All countries present, including Saudi Arabia, China and the United States signed the binding agreement. They agreed that the world should not warm more than two degrees and that they might also do their stinking best to get to a safe 1.5 degrees at most. Exactly how the fairness will be fleshed out in terms of finance will not be worked out until next year and there are no sanctions for not complying with the agreement. Every five years, countries' plans will be reviewed to close the big gap between words and deeds.
For this to really happen, it is necessary to keep up pressure on our governments and companies. DWARS was in Paris with a large delegation. Together with tens of thousands of other climate heroes, we made Paris stand for climate justice and peace. The agreement is a start, but there is still a huge amount of work ahead. That is why we too will continue our climate action group's actions to fight a Netherlands for a sustainable world here. To start for breaking open the energy agreement, passing the climate law and leaving our own oil and gas in the ground. Together we stand strong.